Friday, June 5, 2015

Hillary, Iran and Clinton Foundation

So, rather than enforce the trade embargo against Iran, for a slight fee, our great Secretary of State, Hillary Rodham Clinton, decided to look the other way when a Swiss company, Erickson, wanted to do a $26 million trade with Iran.  Of course what you were not told is that before this was allowed, Bill Clinton received $750,000 speaking fee or so we are led to believe is was a speaking fee.  So, as usual, Hillary and Bill roll in the money at the expense of our country and the world.  They do not care where the money comes from, as long as it comes.  The country and world be dammed, give us the money.  After all, “What difference does it make”.  This is why her staff made the claim they will raise over $2 Billion.  That fact that the money comes from foreign corporations or individuals that is against the law has no effect on them or their followers.  These two engage in criminal actions and conspiracy and it appears they are coated with Teflon since the mainstream news media leaves then unscathed.  And she wants to be president.  Imagine the criminal empire these two will have if this ever comes to fruition.   

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