Thursday, July 10, 2014

More on the Border Debacle.

So the president does not want go to the border or one of the military bases where the illegals are being held.  He indicated in his speech yesterday that he did not and does not participate in photo ops.  This from a person who was in Colorado the day before with video showing him playing pool and drinking beer with the governor.  I guess he forgot about all the photo ops on the Obamacare signing and all those other photo ops surrounding this bill for a few years, the photo op on visiting solar plants before they were closed, various photo ops when he traveled around the country with the passing of the Stimulus bill, photo ops on his continuing campaign fund raising, the photo op when he was in the command center during the Bin Laden raid and lets not forget all the photo ops when he goes on vacation and plays golf. 

 Now we know this border debacle is the fault of former President Bush, the IRS scandal was rogue agents in Ohio, Fast and Furious, NSA spying, budget deficit and more the fault of the Bush administration.  The first four years of his administration all the problems were caused by the Bush administration and now, since he never takes blame for any problems he is using the Bush administration and the Republicans for the border debacle.  All the republicans have been demanding is the border be sealed and secure before addressing the immigration problem, but the president just wants money to address the border issue by encouraging more illegal immigration.   

When President Reagan signed border legislation he was promised by the then Speaker of the Hose Tip O'Neil that if the president would sign the bill, the House would pass border security legislation.  To this date, we are still waiting for the democrats to pass this legislation.  As the republicans will say, fool me once, your mistake, fool me twice my mistake.  The republicans do not want to be fooled twice.  Border security first, legislation second. 
Don't be fooled by the false rhetoric from this administration.  Think what this president is saying.  As I have said many times, it is not what this president says, but what he does.  You can rest assured he is doing exactly what he accuses others of doing.  So much for transparency. 
If you do not check out what he says and does, you are fooling yourself.   

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