Tuesday, December 10, 2013

More on Obamacare

For all those who thought the Affordable Care Act, AKA Obamacare, was the second coming, I hope you do not get screwed like many citizens have been and will be in 2014.  What we see happening with Obamacare was always planned to get the pubic so outraged that they would jump at a single payer plan.   Now we are learning that in order to keep expenses down, you get higher premiums and higher deductibles so you out of pocket expenses increase and unless you have a major medical problem, you may never get the opportunity to file a claim with your insurance carrier.  And now we are learning your prescription drug plan may not be able to give you the prescription medication you are presently receiving or may receive in the future.  The whole idea behind Obamacare is to increase out of pocket expenses, especially for the young healthy insured to pay for those that are older or require more medical care.  It is like a Ponzi scheme.  Of course going back to what President Obama said in 2008/9 that if your treatment is expensive and a financial drain, maybe you should go home to die.  I do believe Rep, Alan Grayson made that claim back in 2010, but he wanted to blame the Republicans.  Now we know he was right, but the wrong party.  One of the problems we have is the clueless people that live in this country that this president and his fellow democrats hope remain clueless while they screw them.  Not to say the republicans are much better, but they have not sank to the bottom yet and many still believe in a balance budget, reducing spending and affordable healthcare.  Rep. Price from Georgia has introduced years ago a healthcare insurance plan that would meet the needs of all citizens, but Sen. Harry Reid will not bring it to the floor.   So when the President claims the republicans have not submitted a plan, it is just another lie that his friends in the news media will support.

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