Monday, July 8, 2013

Where are the investigators or investigation?

We had the Benghazi debacle, NSA spying, IRS strong-arming applicants, FBI not aware of anything, the DOJ Fast and Furious operation, AP and Fox News reporter search warrants obtained under some what dubious evidence.  All this and President Obama promise a thorough investigation on all of this.  Well, so far, the FBI Director went before Congress and was clueless, the DOJ is investigating itself, the IRS is investigation itself and this president promised transparency in his administration.  However, what this president forgot to add is he meant transparency the Chicago way which means if you are a whistleblower, expect criminal charges, being fired and his minions attacking your life history in an attempt to discredit your actions.  It is all about attacking the messenger not the message since they have no response to the truth. 

In addition his administration has ignored all these scandal and has made sure his staff do the same under the hope it will all go away.  In keeping with that thought, there would have been no congressional investigation if the House was in democrat hands.  This president does not believe he has to answer to the citizens and could care less what you may think.  And since at least 50% of the public is still clueless on all these scandals he may be right.  Stupid is what stupid is.  Either the voters attend their congressional representatives town halls and speak out loud and clear or you can kiss your freedom goodbye.  You are slowly losing your individual freedoms and most people do not realize it happening and when they do, it will be too late.  Just give these clueless people material things and they will be happy.  When they wake up, it will be too late. 

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