Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Some thoughts to think about

Sen. John McCain believes the Stand Your Ground Law should be reviewed.  I respect Sen. McCain for his military service and the torture he went at the Hanoi Hilton, but I do believe it is time for Sen. McCain to Step Down.  Especially with his participation in the Gang of 8 at the dismay to his supporters.  Citizenship should be earned, not given.  The question is, how many potential terrorist from the Middle East have entered this country illegally and would fall under this so called Gang of 8 Immigration legislation that the Senate recently passed?  If you really believe what DHS Secretary claims that the border is secured, I know a bridge in Brooklyn for sale.     

Pres. Obama made a statement last year that if he had a son it would look like Treyvon Martin.  Now he makes a statement that 35 years ago, that Treyvon Martin could have been him.  Now I will  not comment on that particular remark since it will bring the FBI, DHS and Secret Service knocking on my door.  On second thought, they would not be knocking.  But it is interesting how this president, Al Sharpton and Jessie Jackson cannot accept the verdict not because of the not guilty verdict, but because they see this as an opportunity to increase their notoriety by engaging in race hatred.  Instead of being a person to unite the country, this president has become, intentionally by the way, the great divider, all for political purposes.  In fact when he makes accusations against the republicans and others, it is actually what he and his administration are doing or intend to do.  Just listen to what he has said over the past 7 years and that becomes very clear.  It is really not what he says, but what he does.  You may see what the left hand is doing, but watch what the right hand is doing.   The black population makes up 12% of the population, involved in 49% of the crime and 93% of crimes against blacks are caused by other blacks.  That is black on black crime.  This president and his two agitators will not address this.  The real issue is 73% of black children grow up in a single family, no father to guide them and just a continuation of unwed black births.  This is the real issue that this president and his cronies should address, but they would rather address a Treyvon Martin shooting and avoid the real issue.  No money or fame can be made from telling it like it is.   

Margaret Sanger was the original founder of Planned Parenthood and her ideas was the model that Hitler employed in his attempt to exterminate the Jews and others that could be a burden on society, the lame, mentally ill, etc.  This is something those that support this institution will not talk about.  What these people do not want you to know is that Margaret Sanger wanted to eliminate the black race through abortions and sterilization.   This also included those who could not contribute to society, exactly what Hitler followed, the lame, deformed, crippled, mentally ill or others that would be a burden to society and the medical facilities.  Sounds familiar.  Remember, under Obamacare, those that require expensive medical treatment may not get it.  This is where the Independent Advisory Panel Board (IAPB) comes into play where their duties and responsibilities are to reduce cost.  It has already been indicated that ages 15 to 60 are the primary age where these government Obamacare supporters believe the primary medical care should be used.  This advisory board will probably be composed of inexperience members in addressing medical cost and treatment.  Just like those that are presently in the Obama administration that lack any real world work experience just like the president, but find no problem in developing and implementing rules and regulations governing business and government agencies (EPA) that actually handcuff businesses, increase cost and force these businesses to either close or reduce cost by reducing the workforce.  If you examine the personnel in this administration you will discover that they are well educated (usually Harvard or Yale) that only have experience in the academic field learned from radical professors that also do not have actual work experience.  That is why their book knowledge and their attempts to apply these methods actually meets failure.  The theory sounds great, but actual application does not work, has never worked and will only lead to a continue economic malaise and lead to more excessive debt.  But have no fear, since this president will never blame himself and his policies for the economic and international failures, but will blame Congress, especially the republicans in the House.  If he looked in the mirror, he would see the reason for failure. 

And then we have the continual investigations on Benghazi, IRS, DOJ and NSA to name a few.  The Benghazi hearings are beginning to heat up, the IRS is now pointing at the White House, the DOJ is still investigating itself (whoopee!) and the NSA has been given continual support by the FISA court to spy on the 300 million Americans, an obvious violation of the Constitution and we have just learned under Obamacare, the government will have access to ALL your private information.  This includes, medical records, bank accounts, investments, social security number and whatever else you may have.  The so called Navigators that will be hired to assist people to sign up for Obamacare will also have access to these records.  But what is really frightening, is they will not be fingerprinted, pass a background check and they could be previously convicted of ID theft and could be hired for these positions.  How frightening is that?

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