Wednesday, July 17, 2013

The Fed must be investigated

Many people believe the Federal Reserve is a branch of the Federal Government when in fact it is a private organization founded by rich bankers.  As a result of a secret meeting on Jekyll Island in 1910 attended by banking conglomerates, those who wealth was approximately 1/4 of the world total, they devised a scheme to further enrich themselves and ensure a continuous flow of money into their coffers. (Read the Creature From Jekyll Island, by G. Edward Griffin for all the facts) 

Establishing the Federal Reserve and writing a bill that was passed by Congress, this group of wealthy individuals were able to deceive the public by using a name that appeared to give credence that this was a government organization when in fact it was not.  To this date the majority of Americans still believe that.  This is a private organization that is divided into 12 branches throughout this country giving further evidence to being a part of the Federal Government.  This is the same organization that is printing over $85 Billion a month also known as Quantitative Easing.  Every time they print money, your own money is worth less and less.  If you want to know what happens when a country prints and prints money, do an Internet search on the Weimar Republic that in order to pay off WWI debts, printed money like it was going out of style.  Sure enough it was, as you could not even buy a loaf of bread with a wheelbarrow of money.  This is were we are heading unless the Fed stops printing money.  Printing money causes inflation as the value of your money decreases, so price of everything you buy increases. 

The only people benefiting from this money printing is Wall Street and banks.  That is why Wall Street is another bubble waiting to bust.  Once the Fed stops printing, the market will drop at least 3000 if not more and the only people that will be hurt will be the middle class.  Not the banks and not the Wall Street firms that make money when the market goes up or down.  You do not and will not see any of this money being printed.  It goes to the banks, surprise!  In fact, most money is transferred digitally and not really in paper.  Actually, if everyone decided to remove their money from the banks, there is not enough money to go around.   

Since we always had a stable government, many countries store their gold with us and the Federal Reserve.  Now listen to this. Just a few months ago, the German government ask for all their gold be returned and the Fed said no they could not do that all at once but would do it over 7 years.  Isn't it amazing, that a country that believed in our stability, stored their gold here and yet when they wanted it returned, they cannot get it.  Makes you wonder where all that gold is.  Some of the gold is supposedly stored at the Fed facility in lower Manhattan.  Or is it?  If the gold is all accountable, then why could the German government not get their gold returned immediately?  Something to think about.  Remember, our money used to be backed by the gold standard and now it is just paper backed by the Federal Reserve, a non-government organization.  Frightening, to say the least.  Actually, your money may be worthless if certain events happen.  When the money was backed by gold, it had value, but today, who can really say.   

Former Congressman Ron Paul had it correct when he demanded during his presidential campaigns that the Fed be investigated and their books be opened for inspection.  We must demand this of our congressional representatives and we should make this an issue in the 2014 elections as well as accountability on all these agency scandals.   

The Federal Reserve should be abolished, but the bankers will do their best to stop such a movement through campaign financing, exposing candidates to adverse and maybe false accusations as well allegation of damage to the economy that will occur.  We do not need a central bank.  Our government and elected representatives should be responsible for our money, not a private organization.  Power corrupts and the Fed is a corrupt organization. 

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