Friday, July 26, 2013

A few more thoughts on various subjects

So we have a Mayor in San Diego who likes to touch women without their permission and another mayoral candidate, Anthony Weiner who likes to send photos of himself or should I say various parts of his anatomy to females. (Makes you want to throw up)  I thought it would be great if these two sexual predators could run for president under the democratic ticket in 2016.  This would relieve the republicans of the criticism that they are doing a war on women.   Notice that when republican senatorial candidate Aiken responded to a question on abortion rights in the last election, the democrats and other liberal news media when berserk.  But up until today, we heard nothing from democratic leaders.  How quickly this president spoke out about police acting stupidly and "if I had a son it would like Treyvon Martin" and yet, nothing on this.  But then again, Benghazi, IRS, NSA and DOJ scandal are really phony scandals.  Tell that to the victims. 

Today, president Obama held a dinner for Muslims in celebration of Ramadan.  Yet, I do not recall a dinner for Christians and Jews on their holy days.  But, we have an administration that is involved in a war on religion, particularly Christianity, in an attempt to remove all religious symbols from our military and other government buildings.  His presidency has shown sympathy for Islam and has made sure his administration does not say anything offensive towards that religion, but other religions are fair game.  After all, his administration cannot use the phrase, "War on Islamic Terrorism".  And we might add, today the Ft. Hood shooter has admitted he did what he did because of our military's war against Muslims in Afghanistan and Iraq.   I do not know if Catholic, Protestants, Jews or other non Islam religions crashed planes into the Twin Towers, Pentagon or a field in Pennsylvania.   But this administration still calls it workplace violence.  Only proves my point. 

Our Freedoms Disappearing?

In Germany under Hitler they rounded up those that were a threat to their agenda and their government.  We rounded up Japanese citizens during WW II claiming they may be a threat to our government.  We now have the NSA and IRS spying on us and the NSA recording and documenting all our electronic communications.  It was even reported that the NSA has or is seeking to gain access to all Email passwords from Email providers.  Just think about that for a few minutes.  Imagine gaining access to you Email accounts, reading your Emails, even sending out Emails to others that could be threatening, sexual in nature or ordering items through your Email.  After all, you can rest assured they already have you credit card account numbers.  This is government out of control and not complying with our constitution.  This is not the former Soviet Union, Cuba, China or Venezuela, but the United States where We The People are suppose to have government subject to the people.  Instead we have government ruling us through regulations bypassing Congress and the Section 8 of our Constitution.  In 1776 we revolted against being subjects and a dictator or at that time, King George III.  We are slipping gradually into a totalitarian government that both parties have taken part in whether consciously or unconsciously.   At least We The People have been unconscious.   

A good read would by Aleksandr I. Solzhenitsyn "The Gulag Archipelago" which came out in 1974 and explains how great life is when government controls everything (Sarcasm meant here)  This is where we are heading when we have a president insisting on bypassing congress by using government agencies to issue regulations to the detriment of companies, business, employers and employees.   

A government under the control of academics rather than those who actually have work experience, is a government failing the people and a government destroying the country.  Think about it.  What work experience does this president and those that surround him that make everyday decisions that are adversely affecting all of us under the belief that they are better educated than the average American and they know better.  If everyone would get pass their political affiliation and actually give thought to this, they will see a country failing through decisions by incompetent people.  Not that the republicans are that much better, since both parties only want the power, but it is the democrats in control and the people that are suffering.   

This president and his cronies are using Chicago politics by using the FBI, NSA, IRS, DHS and any other agencies to collect information on all their opponents to use that information in a subtle way by releasing it to the public and playing dumb.  When government has this much power, we may never see another fair election and only those that follow in this administration's foot steps will win, we are in serious trouble.  Unless we wake up as a people and demand adherence our constitution by all our elected officials, we are lost as a freedom loving country and will end up in the heap of lost democracies that had a good idea, but thought government handouts and government control was better than individual control of their lives.  The elections in 2014 and 2016 will tells us what direction we travel.  Freedom or Tyranny.  The choice is ours.

Thursday, July 25, 2013

$700 Million to advertise Obamacare

The Obama administration is going to spend $700 million to advertise the Affordable Care Act to get young people to sign up.  If the young people, who generally do not have health insurance as a priority in their life if they are healthy, are not expected to sign up which creates a funding problem for this entire monstrosity AKA Obamacare.  This act requires the money from the young to help pay for the older citizens that may require more medical treatment as they age.  Another Ponzi scheme. So, if they do not get the young adult to sign on the dotted line, you can expect a reduction in benefits for those at the other end of the age spectrum.  The young adult would be better off paying the penalty that is much cheaper than signing up.  In fact, since there are no pre existing conditions that can deny coverage, they can wait until they become sick that may require surgery or additional medical attention and then sign up.

The problem with the $700 million expense is that it will only be spent in those states where elections of democrats are in play. So, the government is using taxpayer money to campaign for democratic candidates using Obamacare as a subterfuge.  Just another one of those phony scandals.  Last election they used the IRS and NSA spying to collect information on their opponents and now they are more brazen using taxpayer money.  Another in your face where they are telling you to go screw yourself and we will do what we want to do and you cannot stop us.  Just another thing to think about on how corrupt our elected officials are using their power to better themselves and their political affiliations.  If you think things are bad today, imagine how corrupt things will be if the democrats win back control of the House and keep control of the Senate.  You will not recognize the country by 2016, if we even exist by that time and will may never see another opposition candidate or candidates get elected to the presidency in the next 75 years, that is if we even have another honest election.   Again we are talking about $700 million that is not pocket change.  The amazing thing is we could have used that money to help in the Sequester and the $50 to $100 million it costs for the Obama's useless trip to Africa.  But, when it is not coming out of your own pocket, again who cares.  The We The People is becoming Me The President.   

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Weiner and company

In NYC we have Anthony Weiner, a narcissistic and what appears to be a sexually driven pervert  candidate for mayor that seems to think he is eminently qualified to fill the position.  We also have client #9, Eliot Spitzer, who also believes he is eminently qualified to be Comptroller for NYC.  It appears that Honesty, Integrity, Trust and moral values are not required to fill an elected position.  This is not just a democratic issue since we have seen republicans also involved in sexual discretions.  And yet, we still seem to want to elect these dysfunctional politicians to represent us.  If they are not honest, trustworthy, have good moral values and have integrity in their personal life, what assurances is there they will be different if elected.  They lie, cheat, defraud and have a lust for power over actually representing their electorate.  If NYC actually elects either one of these narcissistic individuals, then they deserve what will follow.  We wonder why we see the corruption and scandals in the federal government and Congress not addressing our bulging deficit and deception from Congress to the White House on issues. 
When you elect liars and candidates with no moral character, you get what you elect.  Character does matter.  I know we have a lot of characters in government today, but that is not the character I am referring about.   When will the voters awaken or must we go through a government collapse and a lost of our constitutional rights before we realize the threats that we as citizens are facing. Our rights are slowly be taken away and yet, we continue to have jerks like the two NYC candidates attempting a comeback because of their lust for power and not the desire to serve their constituents.   Neither one of these candidates as well as many others of both parties, including the president, could not hold a real job and are clueless what that entails.  Rest assured, if the Weiner is not elected mayor, some other idiot will offer him some form of government appointed position.  If he does not get a government position, he will wind up on the street or even behind bars as he continues in sexual exploits.   A loser by any other name is still a loser. But we also know, NYC is a predominantly liberal city and have no problem electing people of low moral values since as long as you are a liberal, what ever else you do, does not matter. 

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Additional thoughts

A question to ask your Congressional Representatives. 

Some of the illegals coming over the Mexico border have paid between $20,000 to $50,000 to be brought into this country.  If these people are some poor as the liberal news media would like us to believe, where are they getting the money or better yet, who is supplying the money and why?  What are they up to?  If they had that much money in their family, why leave Mexico where the money could last longer in Mexico than in the United States.  So again, what is really going on?  Where is Congress on this issue? 

With the ongoing and never ending news on how racist we are in this country over the Treyvon Martin trial,  what many black do not understand or want to be understand is that the Democratic party was the reason that blacks were kept down for over 100 years.  If you were black in the 1800's and supported the republicans or were white and a republican, you had an excellent chance of being hanged from a tree.  And doing the hanging were democrats dressed as KKK members in most cases.  Now this is true and cannot be denied by the democrats.   The first black and only black Speaker of the House in 1869 was a republican.  There were approximately 21 blacks elected to Congress and one to the Senate around that time to the dismay of the democrats.  In fact, republicans were responsible for the 13th and 14th amendments to the constitution to benefit blacks over the objections of the democrats.  History has shown that democratic Pres. Woodrow Wilson did his best to discriminate against blacks.  A civil rights bill could not be passed during the FDR administration and Pres. Eisenhower attempted to pass one during his administration, but did not have republicans in control  of the Senate or House.  Again, JFK tired, but failed even with controlling both houses.  However, LBJ saw the benefits of the black vote and attempted to pass a civil rights bill and only through the support of the overwhelming support of the republicans, did the 1964 civil rights bill pass.  So with this history in the democratic party, why do blacks support the democrats?  Because they do not know the truth and are fed a bunch of lies through the promises made and government programs enacted to keep them in line.    An interesting book to read by well know historian, David Barton titled, American History in Black and White will tell you about this history and is a quick read of approximately 175 pages.  But it is history we were not taught in schools.  Read the book a few years ago and it is interesting history.

Some thoughts to think about

Sen. John McCain believes the Stand Your Ground Law should be reviewed.  I respect Sen. McCain for his military service and the torture he went at the Hanoi Hilton, but I do believe it is time for Sen. McCain to Step Down.  Especially with his participation in the Gang of 8 at the dismay to his supporters.  Citizenship should be earned, not given.  The question is, how many potential terrorist from the Middle East have entered this country illegally and would fall under this so called Gang of 8 Immigration legislation that the Senate recently passed?  If you really believe what DHS Secretary claims that the border is secured, I know a bridge in Brooklyn for sale.     

Pres. Obama made a statement last year that if he had a son it would look like Treyvon Martin.  Now he makes a statement that 35 years ago, that Treyvon Martin could have been him.  Now I will  not comment on that particular remark since it will bring the FBI, DHS and Secret Service knocking on my door.  On second thought, they would not be knocking.  But it is interesting how this president, Al Sharpton and Jessie Jackson cannot accept the verdict not because of the not guilty verdict, but because they see this as an opportunity to increase their notoriety by engaging in race hatred.  Instead of being a person to unite the country, this president has become, intentionally by the way, the great divider, all for political purposes.  In fact when he makes accusations against the republicans and others, it is actually what he and his administration are doing or intend to do.  Just listen to what he has said over the past 7 years and that becomes very clear.  It is really not what he says, but what he does.  You may see what the left hand is doing, but watch what the right hand is doing.   The black population makes up 12% of the population, involved in 49% of the crime and 93% of crimes against blacks are caused by other blacks.  That is black on black crime.  This president and his two agitators will not address this.  The real issue is 73% of black children grow up in a single family, no father to guide them and just a continuation of unwed black births.  This is the real issue that this president and his cronies should address, but they would rather address a Treyvon Martin shooting and avoid the real issue.  No money or fame can be made from telling it like it is.   

Margaret Sanger was the original founder of Planned Parenthood and her ideas was the model that Hitler employed in his attempt to exterminate the Jews and others that could be a burden on society, the lame, mentally ill, etc.  This is something those that support this institution will not talk about.  What these people do not want you to know is that Margaret Sanger wanted to eliminate the black race through abortions and sterilization.   This also included those who could not contribute to society, exactly what Hitler followed, the lame, deformed, crippled, mentally ill or others that would be a burden to society and the medical facilities.  Sounds familiar.  Remember, under Obamacare, those that require expensive medical treatment may not get it.  This is where the Independent Advisory Panel Board (IAPB) comes into play where their duties and responsibilities are to reduce cost.  It has already been indicated that ages 15 to 60 are the primary age where these government Obamacare supporters believe the primary medical care should be used.  This advisory board will probably be composed of inexperience members in addressing medical cost and treatment.  Just like those that are presently in the Obama administration that lack any real world work experience just like the president, but find no problem in developing and implementing rules and regulations governing business and government agencies (EPA) that actually handcuff businesses, increase cost and force these businesses to either close or reduce cost by reducing the workforce.  If you examine the personnel in this administration you will discover that they are well educated (usually Harvard or Yale) that only have experience in the academic field learned from radical professors that also do not have actual work experience.  That is why their book knowledge and their attempts to apply these methods actually meets failure.  The theory sounds great, but actual application does not work, has never worked and will only lead to a continue economic malaise and lead to more excessive debt.  But have no fear, since this president will never blame himself and his policies for the economic and international failures, but will blame Congress, especially the republicans in the House.  If he looked in the mirror, he would see the reason for failure. 

And then we have the continual investigations on Benghazi, IRS, DOJ and NSA to name a few.  The Benghazi hearings are beginning to heat up, the IRS is now pointing at the White House, the DOJ is still investigating itself (whoopee!) and the NSA has been given continual support by the FISA court to spy on the 300 million Americans, an obvious violation of the Constitution and we have just learned under Obamacare, the government will have access to ALL your private information.  This includes, medical records, bank accounts, investments, social security number and whatever else you may have.  The so called Navigators that will be hired to assist people to sign up for Obamacare will also have access to these records.  But what is really frightening, is they will not be fingerprinted, pass a background check and they could be previously convicted of ID theft and could be hired for these positions.  How frightening is that?

Sunday, July 21, 2013

What you were not told on Zimmerman/Martin

Bill Whittle brings out a few "minor" details about Trayvon/Zimmerman:

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

The Fed must be investigated

Many people believe the Federal Reserve is a branch of the Federal Government when in fact it is a private organization founded by rich bankers.  As a result of a secret meeting on Jekyll Island in 1910 attended by banking conglomerates, those who wealth was approximately 1/4 of the world total, they devised a scheme to further enrich themselves and ensure a continuous flow of money into their coffers. (Read the Creature From Jekyll Island, by G. Edward Griffin for all the facts) 

Establishing the Federal Reserve and writing a bill that was passed by Congress, this group of wealthy individuals were able to deceive the public by using a name that appeared to give credence that this was a government organization when in fact it was not.  To this date the majority of Americans still believe that.  This is a private organization that is divided into 12 branches throughout this country giving further evidence to being a part of the Federal Government.  This is the same organization that is printing over $85 Billion a month also known as Quantitative Easing.  Every time they print money, your own money is worth less and less.  If you want to know what happens when a country prints and prints money, do an Internet search on the Weimar Republic that in order to pay off WWI debts, printed money like it was going out of style.  Sure enough it was, as you could not even buy a loaf of bread with a wheelbarrow of money.  This is were we are heading unless the Fed stops printing money.  Printing money causes inflation as the value of your money decreases, so price of everything you buy increases. 

The only people benefiting from this money printing is Wall Street and banks.  That is why Wall Street is another bubble waiting to bust.  Once the Fed stops printing, the market will drop at least 3000 if not more and the only people that will be hurt will be the middle class.  Not the banks and not the Wall Street firms that make money when the market goes up or down.  You do not and will not see any of this money being printed.  It goes to the banks, surprise!  In fact, most money is transferred digitally and not really in paper.  Actually, if everyone decided to remove their money from the banks, there is not enough money to go around.   

Since we always had a stable government, many countries store their gold with us and the Federal Reserve.  Now listen to this. Just a few months ago, the German government ask for all their gold be returned and the Fed said no they could not do that all at once but would do it over 7 years.  Isn't it amazing, that a country that believed in our stability, stored their gold here and yet when they wanted it returned, they cannot get it.  Makes you wonder where all that gold is.  Some of the gold is supposedly stored at the Fed facility in lower Manhattan.  Or is it?  If the gold is all accountable, then why could the German government not get their gold returned immediately?  Something to think about.  Remember, our money used to be backed by the gold standard and now it is just paper backed by the Federal Reserve, a non-government organization.  Frightening, to say the least.  Actually, your money may be worthless if certain events happen.  When the money was backed by gold, it had value, but today, who can really say.   

Former Congressman Ron Paul had it correct when he demanded during his presidential campaigns that the Fed be investigated and their books be opened for inspection.  We must demand this of our congressional representatives and we should make this an issue in the 2014 elections as well as accountability on all these agency scandals.   

The Federal Reserve should be abolished, but the bankers will do their best to stop such a movement through campaign financing, exposing candidates to adverse and maybe false accusations as well allegation of damage to the economy that will occur.  We do not need a central bank.  Our government and elected representatives should be responsible for our money, not a private organization.  Power corrupts and the Fed is a corrupt organization. 

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

The verdict

Although I would rather address political issues, it seems the recent Zimmerman/Martin trial has brought politics to the forefront anyway.   

This all began when President Obama as usual opened his mouth without any knowledge on the case as he did when he alleged the "police acted stupidly".  This started the ball rolling for the rip off instigators Al Sharpton and Jessie Jackson to begin their usual tirade as another opportunity to remain relevant in the black community.  We already know how Al Sharpton performed in the Twana Brawley case in 1987 and the way Jessie Jackson and his Rainbow Coalition intimidates businesses or better known as legal blackmail to fund their adventures.    

Now we had a police department and the local state attorney review the evidence in the case and their initial determination was no arrest was warranted.  They were never given the opportunity to present what evidence they accumulated to a Grand Jury.  However, since there was a possibility of increased racial tension because of the way the lamestream media was presenting the case as a race case, it became necessary for Governor Scott to appoint another state attorney to review the case.  This is where state attorney Angela Corey got involved.  She ignored all the evidence and did not present the case to the grand jury since she knew it would not past muster.  Even though, some claim when evidence is presented to the grand jury, many times, depending on how the state attorney makes his/her presentation, they can get an indictment.  An indictment does not mean guilty, just that the way the evidence was presented, the grand jury can issue an indictment.   

If the case can presented to the grand jury, the charges may have been different and rather than 2nd degree murder it may have been just manslaughter.  But we now know, based on the evidence presented at the trial, they overcharged, then attempted to improve upon their mistake and in the middle of the trial by adding manslaughter and attempted to add child abuse since Trayvon was only 17 years old.  Like a 17 year old cannot commit a crime.   

This whole case was mishandled from the beginning.  The evidence presented by the prosecution actually benefited the defense attorney.  This case was a joke from the beginning and because of the threat of racial unrest created by the President and the two adorable instigators, and the political prosecution by attorney Angela Corey, only goes to show the extent people will go to create a racial divide in this country.   

No where in the trial was race presented as an issue, but it did not stop the instigators from inflaming the issue before and after the issue.

This case actually involved a failure to communicate by the two participants.  George Zimmerman as a community patrol person and Treyvon Martin who was in a community that had previously experienced a number of burglaries and was suspicious of strangers in the community.  Something anyone with half a brain could well understand.  Now, some community patrols are furnished marked vehicles by the local police agency to provide better identification and create the potential of preventing a crime to anyone who may not belong in the community or may be considering engaging in criminal behavior.  In this case, Mr. Zimmerman was using his own vehicle, not identified either with a magnetize sign on the vehicle or a yellow flashing light.  Also, it was nighttime, raining and Treyvon was observed walking close to the buildings which would be suspicious behavior in a community that experienced previous criminal activity even though such a person had no intention of engaging in a crime, but was attempting to do his best to get out of the rain.   

It may well have been the approach by both individuals that compounded the problem.  One being suspicious of Treyvon's behavior and Treyvon wanting to know why he was being followed.  It all probability, neither one was given the opportunity to engage in a peaceful conversation that may have resolved the situation amicably.  Borrowing a phrase form a movie, "What we had was a failure to communicate" where one thing led to another and eventually a shooting in self-defense. 

A self-defense, defense is justified when one believes his life is in jeopardy.  Now, everyone may react differently when their life is threatened as in this case, but if you believe the threat exist, then you can defend yourself.   Also, all states have a right to defend oneself, but some have an addition that states if you can retreat to safety, you must do so unless of course you are in your own home or if retreating is not possible.   

Now you must also understand, that Florida's Stand Your Ground defense came about when the legislature passed a bill that could be interpreted that a person must retreat even if he was in his own home.  If my memory from the national publicity this received is accurate and since this bill was being interpreted this way, it required the state legislature the following year to rewrite the bill and what they have today is the result.  The bill basically is a right to self defense without requiring a person to retreat if they could do so.  Since George Zimmerman was a community patrol officer he had the right to report and observe any suspicious activity that he did to the police department. It should also be pointed out that he did not dial 911 but called on the regular phone number so Mr. Zimmerman did not consider what he observed an emergency at that time.  Now the question is did Mr. Zimmerman leave his vehicle and remain outside his vehicle or was he returning to his vehicle when he was told by the police operator.  Mr. Zimmerman claims he was returning to his vehicle when he was approached by Treyvon Martin.  So, we have two individuals who failed to communicate to each other and as a result, one thing led to another, resulting in the death of one and the injury to another. 

But the news media, especially NBC that manipulated the police call to generate the case into a race case, the two instigators and State Attorney Angela Corey made this a race case, although no mention of race was made during the trial.  All this was done before the trial and now we see it surfacing again after the trial.  And as the trial ended, the news media started again by claiming George Zimmerman was a white Hispanic in order to promote race into the case again. 

This was a local crime issue and the president should not have addressed this case.  State Attorney Angela Corey should not have been involved and since she was involved, together with the two other prosecutors in withholding evidence she and the other two should be disbarred and sued by the Zimmerman lawyers.  This was a travesty of justice for all parties concerned.   There were, have been and are many other cases of white on black, black on white crimes that are not, have not and will not get the same publicity.  Where is the president and the two instigators with all the violence in Chicago where blacks are killing blacks and not a peep can be heard nor any street marchers demanding an end to this slaughter.  Why, you may ask?   There is no money to be made on the Chicago violence or a political opportunity presented.  When politics gets involved in these types of cases, no one benefits and society loses. 

The prosecution also brought out Mr. Zimmerman's past although the court prevented the defense attorney from presenting evidence on Treyvon Martin's past. It has been reported in the Miami Herald that Mr. Martin was apprehended for two crimes, possession of marijuana and a robbery where he possessed stolen jewelry.  Now I am unsure if he obtained the jewelry as a result of committing the robbery or he was just in possession of the jewelry, which is a criminal offense anyway.  But according to the article, the school district and the police dept. had a deal that they would not prosecute but would consider this a disciplinary problem, thus reducing crime in the school system.  Now, if this report is accurate, then it is quite possible if Treyvon was arrested for these offenses and sent to a juvenile facility, then it is also quite possible Treyvon and Zimmerman may never have met.  It was also reported that when Treyvon's father found out his son did not return home, he called a juvenile facility to see if his son was there.  Interesting.  But regardless of all this information, race was not an issue and the news media must be blamed for inciting this case and responsible for the consequences of their false narratives.  

Monday, July 8, 2013

Where are the investigators or investigation?

We had the Benghazi debacle, NSA spying, IRS strong-arming applicants, FBI not aware of anything, the DOJ Fast and Furious operation, AP and Fox News reporter search warrants obtained under some what dubious evidence.  All this and President Obama promise a thorough investigation on all of this.  Well, so far, the FBI Director went before Congress and was clueless, the DOJ is investigating itself, the IRS is investigation itself and this president promised transparency in his administration.  However, what this president forgot to add is he meant transparency the Chicago way which means if you are a whistleblower, expect criminal charges, being fired and his minions attacking your life history in an attempt to discredit your actions.  It is all about attacking the messenger not the message since they have no response to the truth. 

In addition his administration has ignored all these scandal and has made sure his staff do the same under the hope it will all go away.  In keeping with that thought, there would have been no congressional investigation if the House was in democrat hands.  This president does not believe he has to answer to the citizens and could care less what you may think.  And since at least 50% of the public is still clueless on all these scandals he may be right.  Stupid is what stupid is.  Either the voters attend their congressional representatives town halls and speak out loud and clear or you can kiss your freedom goodbye.  You are slowly losing your individual freedoms and most people do not realize it happening and when they do, it will be too late.  Just give these clueless people material things and they will be happy.  When they wake up, it will be too late. 

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Will the truth ever be known?

We have the DOJ AG come before Congress and continuously lie.  We have the IRS, NSA, FBI come before Congress and lie.  In fact we have the FBI Director come before Congress and is clueless on who is conducting what investigations.  The IRS comes before Congress and lies, deceive and then take the 5th.  We also had James Clapper, the Head of National Intelligence lie to Congress and just issue a statement he made an erroneous statement.  These are all appointed by the Obama Administration, except the FBI Director, who are either dumber than dumb or are all orchestrating a campaign to deny, deceive, lie and do whatever but tell the truth.   Will the American people demand honesty in government?  And now Obamacare is going to be delayed for another year, at least until after the mid-term elections.  They had nearly four years to get their act together with Obamacare and realize that it is not workable.  They are hoping the American voter is dumb enough to vote for democrats and give the House and Senate back in democrat hands so Obama and company and do whatever they want until 2016.  Again, the question is, can the American people see what is happening or will they remain clueless and surrender their freedoms.  Because, contrary to what the liberals have been saying, this is all about government control of every aspect of your life.  If you are not sure what that is, read about the history of the former Soviet Union or how great life was for the Iron Curtain countries or even Cuba under Castro.  If life was so good under these countries, why did they build a wall to keep the eastern block country's citizens from fleeing or people fleeing Cuba even today.  You decide.

Monday, July 1, 2013

The Difference

So who would you rather have on your team, Aaron Hernandez and the other 28 NFL players who have been arrested since the Super Bowl or Tim Tebow?  Tebow is mocked and yet, you can say with almost complete certainty that he will not end of like these 29 players.  At least the 29 we actually know about.