Friday, June 3, 2022

The phony Green New Deal

The socialist/Marxist have been pushing the Green New Deal where we are supposed to be rid of fossil fuels by 2030 or we will die.  The truth is we will not be rid of fossil fuels in 8 years or 100 years and unless God decides to end our existence people will still be living and breathing on this planet. 

This is not about getting rid of fossil fuels, but about government getting control of you.  We saw this with mask mandates and businesses closing down that was only going to be for 14 days.  Mask mandates still being forced on people as of today. 

What is the difference between purchasing a barrel of oil from Venezuela, Saudi Arabia, Iran and even Russia rather than from in our own country.  Control.  We produce the cleanest energy in the world, but these socialist/Marxist want to destroy this country and our constitution and bring a China form of government where you will follow what the government says or disappear.  This is the plan of the rich and powerful that annually meet in Davos to devise, revise and update their plan. 

President Trump put a dent in their plans and they made sure the 2020 election would see Trump lose and they again can implement their plan.  Remember, Obama wanted to fundamentally transform the United States of America.  At the time many were saying what is he talking about and as he expected, ignored the statement as just more campaign rhetoric. 

Today we are witnessing first hand a group of unelected bureaucrats following their leader Obama in implementing the plan to fundamentally transform our country. 

Those of us with a brain know that that socialism/Marxism and communism has failed wherever it has been tried but this will not stop these radicals from implementing their plan.  The argument is that those who tried and failed were not doing it correctly and they know better.  I must admit they certainly do.  We have runaway inflation, never before seen high gas prices, open borders where terrorist, drugs and weapons can come across without a problem  If you object to their policies, you will be classified as a racist or white supremacist even if you are black or maybe an Uncle Tom.   Disagree with them and you will be verbally if not physically attacked.    

It is all about control and they want to eliminate our constitution and the first 10 amendments known as the Bill of Rights.  That is why ChinaJoebama said the 2nd amendment is not absolute.  This is the beginning of their attempt to change the constitution that can only be changed through the vote of 38 states at a convention of states or through 2/3 vote in both houses of Congress.  These radicals know they will not get to change the constitution the legal way so they will just push and push some more and the public and constitution be dammed.  Another reason they want to pack the Supreme Court with judges that will think their way to achieve a complete takeover of the country. 

So, unless the people speak up and see with their own eyes what is happening we will be a lost country.  These radicals will stop at nothing to achieve their agenda and it is up to us to put a stop to this now.  The midterm elections are only 5 months away and we must make sure all these radicals are thrown out.   WAKE UP AMERICAN

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