Monday, March 7, 2022

Russia, Russian Oil and more oil

So, we stopped being oil independent the first day ChinaJoebama took office on January 20th, 2021.  Under Trump we were oil independent and became an exporter of oil and LNG.  But, since the green people (also known as the Marxist/Socialist democrats) wanted to stop our oil production and they were successful.  Of course it is questionable if ChinaJoebiden actually knew what he was signing.   So, we began importing our oil from Russia and asked both Russia and Saudi Arabia to increase their oil production since we could not meet our demand due to ChinaJoebama shutting down our production.  By buying Russian oil we are helping to finance his war on Ukraine.  So, now there is talk to stop importing oil from Russia and turn elsewhere.  So, we open the talks with Iran (the country that wants to nuke us) using Russia to negotiate the deal.  We have sent a negotiating team to Venezuela to secure a deal to buy their oil.  So, we have our enemy, Russia, negotiating a deal with Iran while we do a deal with Venezuela.  So, in essence we are going to buy oil from Iran and Venezuela, both countries that would like to destroy us.  Scratch your brain on that.  We were able to out produce oil and LNG compared to all these countries that would like to see us collapse.  That logic escapes me.   So, I wish someone would ask Jan Psaki to explain the difference between a barrel of oil from Russia, Iran, Venezuela, Saudi Arabia, Mexico and the United States.  We know that our oil and LNG is better refined than these other countries, but there must be some hidden ingredient in the oil and LNG from these countries that produces less pollutants.  I also would like all the green Marxist/socialist democrats to tell me what the weather would be like in March 2023.  If they claim the world will end as we know it in 8 years, I would like to be able to plan my life for the next 8 years until earth explodes.   


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