Thursday, April 8, 2021

Infrastructure Legislation

The definition of Infrastructure is as follows:

The basic equipment and structures (such as roads and bridges) that are needed for a country, region, or organization to function properly 

However, under the American Communist Party (Formerly known as the Democratic Party) the definition is anything they want it to be.  Me, you, your babysitter unemployed worker, your rent payments etc.  Just about anything they want to throw money at just to insure the people who receive the money will vote for them in 2022.  So, for all of you who think you will see improvements in your local infrastructure as we know what infrastructure means, I am sorry to disappoint you.  Yes, a small pittance will allegedly go for some road and bridge repairs, but don’t hold your breath.  Just another communist boondoggle.  So, we will be printing more money and all the money you may have saved for a rainy day or retirement will lose value.  Remember, the more money printed the less value is the money already out there.  This means inflation and not just a small amount of inflation.  The Democratic Party has been taken over by these communist radicals.  These are not your father’s Democrats, but radicalized people that are following in Obama’s footsteps to radically transform the United States into a socialist, Marxist country.  As I have said many times, Obama was raised by his grandparents who were card carrying members of the communist party and introduced him to Frank Marshall Davis and an avowed communist to be his mentor.  The information is out there if you research the names.  Obama was also a follower of Saul Alinsky and Cloward and Piven. What we are seeing today is the result of what Obama planned.  In an interview in 2017 or 2018, Obama discussed the presidency and not being able to run for a 3rd term, but if he could get somebody elected who he could control, he could pursue his agenda.  Well, who better to control then the brain dead China Joe Biden.  Now you know why Commie Harris has not gone to the border since she really is taken her marching orders from Obama and not Biden.  That is why most if all the people surrounding Biden are all former Obama staff.  Going to the border would bring a ton of cameras, publicity they do not want, but since things are getting out of hand, she may, although she is clueless.  But, you can expect her to have a good laugh if she did go.   Everything this administration is pushing is to hopefully gain control of you, the Supreme Court, local and state governments and eventually through manipulation of the courts, shred the constitution.  We know the constitution can only be changed through the amendment process that has not and will not stop this takeover.  Once they stock the Supreme Court with their radical judges, your freedom will be lost and the government will dictate what you can and cannot do.  We believe our rights come from God, and they believe all rights should come from the governmentObama has indicated this in an interview somewhere around 2005 where he believed our rights should come from the government.  Our constitutional rights are gradually being lost and this started many years ago with the Patriot Act, The FISA court and the gradual destruction of the 1st, 2nd and 4th amendment.  We have seen this with the giant social media companies that remove content they do not like, (mostly conservative viewpoints).  So, if you have no objections to living in a country like China, Cuba, North Korea or even Venezuela where the government controls every aspect of your life, just sit down, shut your mouth and Voila!, you will have your wish.  We are at the crossroads of what will happen to our country.  Will we continue to live free, speak out, die protecting these God given rights or just permit this to happen?  We have a choice and hopefully you will choose freedom over suppression.     

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