Thursday, April 22, 2021

AOC, the idiot running the show.

It is amazing that a woman who goes to college, and the only job she could get was as a barista and is now lecturing us on her supreme knowledge on climate change, infrastructure and racism.  First, what is a barista?  Well here is the definition for those who are not sure: “barista is a person who prepares and also generally serves espresso -based coffee drinks. In the United States, the term barista is also often applied to coffee shop employees who prepare both espresso and regular coffee drinks”.

In her time in Congress this idiot learned what a garbage disposal is, thought the constitution did not permit ownership of a firearm and believes the world will come to an end in 10 years due to climate change.  Climate change is the same rhetoric used by Al Gore in the 90’s that unless we address climate change, the world will come to an end in 10 years.  We also heard by the year 2000, NYC, Miami and other coastal cities would be underwater due to global warming, aka climate change.  Not discounting the articles in National Geographic in the 70’s that told us we are heading for another ice age. 

But her latest rhetoric from the other day actually is fitting in emphasizing her stupidity when she stood in front of the capital and said:  “We must recognize in legislation that the trampling of indigenous rights is a cause of climate change, that the trampling of racial justice is a cause of climate change,” she said in a speech reintroducing the Green New Deal”.  And I might add this idiot has Pelosi and Schumer in fear.  That says a lot about them.  So, infrastructure is not only racism, but everything from a road, bridge, welfare, unemployment, medical coverage and more are now considered infrastructure.  We now can add climate change to that definition, because the idiot says so.  And I might add if you are white you are automatically a racist from the time you are born.  How any white person can live with themselves knowing that they were born a racist is beyond my comprehension.  Then again if you are a republican, a conservative or do not support any of these radical ideas by the Democratic Communist Party (DCP) you are definitely a racist. 

As for the voters in the idiot’s district, what has she done for you since being elected?  We know she fought against her district getting an Amazon warehouse that would have brought thousands of good paying jobs.  Has not had any legislation she proposed even brought up to a committee for a vote.  But they voted for her a 2nd time.  Production as a member of Congress is not a prerequisite to getting elected as we have seen for both sides of the aisle.  It is just some are more stupid then others and this one should be up there near the front of the pack.



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