Tuesday, March 10, 2020

Coronavirus vs. Flu

We must thank the news media for creating panic in America.  Went shopping today and there appears to be a run on toilet paper and Clorox cleaner and similar other brand products.  As for liquid hand sanitizer. The cashier told me it is unbelievable the panic created over this virus as people are buying as if a violent end of the world storm is coming.  In fact she heard on the news media from one of the news person to shop as if a hurricane was coming.  Yet, if the people would calm down they would realize that one has a better chance of dying from the flu rather than the Coronavirus.  As of yesterday, 29 people died from the coronavirus in the United States and 30,000 from the flu.  Yet this has not stopped panic buying and fear the news media is pushing.  This is all politics in an effort for the fake news media to make President Trump the cause of this virus.  If people would take a step back, pause, listen to the medical personnel in government or their own doctor, or actually think for themselves rather than allowing the news media to think for them, they would realize this virus is not as bad as the fake media advertises.   Now you understand why President Trump calls the media fake news.  Telling the truth has become difficult for the media for years as they follow the socialist talking points.  In fact, MSNBC host Nicolle Wallace and Princeton Professor Eddie Glaude were practically rooting for more Americans to die from the virus so it could be President Trump’s “Katrina.”  Yet, if a conservative person said that about Obama, all hell would break out and demands that this news person be fired. 

Wall Street has also fell victim to this virus, so they claim, but they are also using this news to cause panic selling so when the time is right, they will buy, buy and buy.   They will roll in the millions, while the average investor will roll in the dollars.  Keep the public in fear is the word of the day, week and month.  This is an election year, so go figure.  Are the people this dumb to fall victim to this false rhetoric?  It appears they are.  Follow the precautions that the CDC has published and remove the fear from your day.  Go to coronavirus.gov and download the guidelines for “What you need to know about the coronavirus” and “What to do if you are sick with coronavirus disease”.  Information is out there that is more accurate than the fake news media.

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