Friday, March 13, 2020

Coronavirus Panic in United States

When we had the Swine Flu (H1N1) in 2008-2009, for approximately 11 months, 18,000 people in the United States died.   There was no panic and the news media did not create additional panic when reporting on the Swine Flu.  In fact the news media did not go into major detail when reporting on this flu.  Now we know that Obama was president at the time and he did not address this flu until there was approximately 1000 deaths.  Of course with Obama as president the fake news media did not report much on the failures of his administration.  Like, Benghazi and Fast and Furious among other administration failures.  And we all know how under Obamacare, we saved $2500 and were able to keep our doctor.   

Now under the Trump administration, the fake news media are creating panic with their reporting in a concerted effort to undermine the Trump administration.  As a result we see panic buying in the stores.  There seems to be a run on toilet paper and water.  As for the water, I cannot understand that since all one has to do is turn on the faucet in one’s home.  The toilet paper I do understand because the people that are broadcasting this fake panic are so full of shit that we can understand CNN and MSDNC would need a large supply of toilet paper.  Those that listen to their BS must also be loaded since they are absorbing this crap and so we understand them purchasing toilet paper.  

Then there is the sporting events that have been canceled.  The NBA, NHL, March Madness, NASCAR, MLB delaying the season opener for at least 2 weeks and then there is golf where tournaments have been canceled.  This never was the case during the Swine Flu.   As of today, only 40 people have died from the coronavirus with 30 in the state of Washington that occupied nursing homes.  Yes, many states have reported some of their residents have been identified with the flu or the possibility of the onset of the flu with flu like symptoms.  Of all those that have died, nobody below the age of 50 has died so far.  This is in keeping with what the flu team in the Trump administration that have been reporting all along, that if your health is compromised regardless of age and if you are over 60, you are susceptible to getting the coronavirus or the regular flu we see every year.  If you know family members with compromised immune system or are over 60 make sure they understand the guidelines.  Common sense applies, but we know in some people there is no common sense.  Wash your hands, smother a cough, do not shake hands with other people and if you are feeling under the weather, stay home, call your doctor and be guided accordingly.  Simple instructions, but as we are witnessing when in stores or listening to the fake news media, many people do not understand simple.  

I might add that great governor of New York has issued an order that there will be no gathering of more than 500 people.  So, if you are going to attend an event in NY where 500 or less people will be in attendance, you can be at ease since you will not be getting the virus.  But, if there are 501 people in attendance, you are in for trouble. 

So, use common sense, listen to the Trump coronavirus medical team, take the proper precautions and hopefully you will be around to see Trump get re-elected.

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