Thursday, July 11, 2019

Pay inequality

With the women winning the women’s world soccer tournament, we have been hearing all about pay inequality in sports.  Well, part of the problem is that the mens soccer association had an income of approximately $5.5 billion while the women’s association brought in $132 million.  With this income disparity, the women would naturally get less than the men.  Pushing for pay equality in sports will see the demise of women’s sports.  For instance, in the mens major golf tournaments, the winner receives approximately $2 million and the women much less than $1 million.  If the women demanded the same winners share, there would be very few womens golf tournament since it would not be financially feasible. It is just the nature of the beast.  Male sports bring in more income than female sports, not to diminish women sports and their success, but it is what it is.   

In business, if the women and men are performing the same job function, then yes they should receive the same pay, but in sports, it is the income that is generated that will determine the pay structure.

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