Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Are You A Racist?

It has become quite obvious that when the Socialist Democratic Party cannot defend an issue they automatically brand you a racist.  If you believe in one of the following you are a racist.

1.               You are a Trump supporter.

2.               If you are white you are automatically a racist from the  

         moment of conception unless you are a socialist democrat.

3.      You believe in our constitution, especially the 1st and 2nd Amendment.

4.      You believe the Socialist controlled cities are a mess.

5.      If you are a black Trump supporter you are worse than a racist.

6.      You believe illegal immigrants should be arrested and sent back to their country.

7.      You believe nothing is free and somebody is always paying for free things, like the taxpayer.  There is no such thing as a free lunch.

8.      You support ICE, DHS, Border Patrol and law enforcement not realizing that automatically makes you a racist. 

9.      You believe in God, our constitution, our flag and stand for the National Anthem.

10.    You do not believe the world will end in 12 years, the Green New Deal, but believe in climate change, like summer, fall, winter and spring.  Scientist have said, the earth will cease to exist as we know it in approximately 5.5 billion years due to the heat of the Sun increasing before it goes dark.  It is just a little more years then the Green New Deal of 12 years.   But do not tell that to Al Gore or idiots in the squad.

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