Monday, March 25, 2019

The Mueller Report

So the Mueller report is out and according to the reports, there was no collusion.  Something those of us with a brain knew from day one.  This was a conspiracy to overthrow a duly elected president whether you agree with the results of the election or not.  As more information materialized, we realized what we had was an attempt to overthrow our government because an outsider got elected and has exposed the corruption within our government agencies.  Remember, President Trump ran on draining the swamp and we now know how deep the swamp is.  This includes the establishment of both parties that feared exposure.  We are now witnessing the exposure with more to come.  We are awaiting the IG report on his investigation of the FBI and DOJ and their conspiracy to overthrow our government.  Regardless of your political ideology, what we were witnessing is what we normally see in a 3rd world country.  However, rather than the use of force, we had the upper echelon of the DOJ, FBI, CIA and DNI conspire to remove the president by using fabricated information developed by the Hillary campaign and the DNC in conjunction with the lying news media.  The lying news media became the broadcast arm of the Socialist Democrat. 

Attorney General William Barr must impanel a Grand Jury and present all the evidence related to this conspiracy with those involved subpoenaed to testify.  At a Grand Jury those subpoenaed cannot have their lawyer present so with the information already obtained through closed door testimony to Congress and Emails, it may be difficult for those testifying to claim the 5th Amendment.  However, as former FBI Assistant Director McCabe once said, “If I go down, I am taking others with me”.  Those involved at the lower end, will testify to save themselves and then we will see how far up the food chain this conspiracy goes.   Many believe, it will go to the White House, as none of this would be done without the blessing of former President Obama.  Is this what Obama meant when he said he was going to “Fundamentally Transform the United States”? Under Obama’s regime, we witnessed government agencies spying on American citizens and continued into the Trump administration where this spying was used against Trump and those of his supporters.  The swamp has been exposed and the establishment have done and are doing their best to destroy the Trump presidency.  This will fail as the American people will see the socialist democrats are more interested in “getting Trump” and supporting illegal immigration over passing appropriate legislation that is good for the country.

Supporting illegal immigration is important and that is why they are attempting to block including the question on the 2020 census “Are you an American citizen”.   The reason is they would like to have the illegals counted in the census so the state can gain more seats in Congress to provide the socialist democrats more members.  In other words, if you are a citizen, you can go screw yourself since we support illegals and getting them to vote.  Remember, for every illegal that votes, the citizens vote is wiped out. 

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