Friday, March 1, 2019

AOC, the socialist democrats and more.

We all thought Nancy Pelosi was the Majority Leader in the House, but we have learned that it is the idiot (aka AOC) who is running the socialist party.  God forbid if you are a member of the socialist party and do not agree with whatever the idiot says, you will be ridiculed, mocked and the idiot will move to expunge you from the party by the next election.  If by some freak of nature, you believe life begins at conception or a few weeks after conception and do not believe in infanticide, you will be considered a radical.  If you believe that illegals should not be permitted to enter this country, should not possess a weapon and ICE should be notified when an illegal is apprehended, you are not only a radical, but anti-American. 

If you are under the illusion that if you work hard and are fortunate to develop your idea into a business and make tons of money, you should understand you are not entitled to millions of dollars you possess and spend, since the socialist know how to spend your money better than you.  The socialist believe possessing money is evil and you should only have the minimum amount to live and the rest of your income can be divided among the masses as the socialist feel fit to use.  Remember, they know better than you and that is why the government already has a $22 Trillion debt.  By the way, their green plan has been reviewed and the cost will exceed over $93 Trillion over 10 years.  But, have no fear as the idiot has stated, we can always print money.

So, if you like your job, the growing economy, the low unemployment and have money in your pocket because of the tax plan passed by the republicans, then you may have to worry that this will all disappear if the socialist win the White House in the 2020 election.  They have promised to repeal the Trump tax plan, impose higher taxes on those who work and not just the rich.  Under the socialist mantra, anyone who has money is considered rich and that must be taxed. 

But we may be saved as the idiot has now classified herself as a climatologist, weather scientist and meteorologist.  She has demonstrated her expertise in this field by advising us that the world will end in 12 years.  We all know Al Gore claimed the world was going to end in 10 years in the 1990’s.  So, either we are all dead and do not know it or the world still exist.  Every time we have a snowstorm, heavy rain, tornadoes, hurricanes or other climatic episode, it is all a sign of global warming or climate change, whichever the idiot and her comrades wish to use.  The fact that our continent has had snowstorms, heavy rains, tornadoes, hurricanes or other climatic episodes, since way before man began using fossil fuels, makes one wonder what planet the idiot and her comrades live on.  Their knowledge of history only goes back about 25 years and any period beyond that timeframe has no meaning.  But, she does have a college degree in economics and a minor in international studies.  We know her knowledge of economics is just below zero and she has demonstrated that she is clueless on what has been going on around this globe for over 100 years. 

So, you must listen clearly to what the idiot and her socialist party comrades’ say as you can rest assured what the idiot claims the opposing party is doing or proposing, is exactly what they are doing.  They like to accuse the opposition of what they intend to do.  They learned this from 8 years of the Obama administration.  Do, what you accuse the opposition doing.  Easier to get away with it.

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