Wednesday, January 16, 2019

Who is the real Putin Puppet?

So now the lame stream news media, (AKA lying news) is taking their calling from Hillary and claiming that Trump is a Russian puppet and Putin is pulling the strings.  We must examine this closer.

Trump never made a Uranium deal with Russia selling 20% of our uranium supplies and then miraculously seeing mega millions of dollars given to the Bill/Hillary foundation.  Let us not forget the $500,000 that Bill got from Russia for just a 20 minute speech. 
Trump was not involved in any negotiations with Russia and their cronies as the Podesta brothers were while brother John Podesta was working on the Hillary campaign.
We also might add that Trump did not make a statement to Medvedev of Russia that after the election he would have more flexibility.  Yes, Obama did that in 2012.  Also, Ted Kennedy attempted to employ Russia in the 1984 elections to vote out Ronald Reagan.  

Trump did not pay for a phony dossier that is to have alleged he was deeply involved with Russia to steal the election.  We must remember under our present system of voting, it is extremely difficult to change the election results at all the various voting locations throughout the country, let alone change individual votes.  Even former President Obama indicated in Dec. 2016 that there was no Russian interference in our election voting.  But, there was no mention at the time that this dossier was paid for by the Hillary campaign and the DNC in the lying news media.  That information is kept away from the public.  As a result, we are now understanding there was a conspiracy in the upper echelons of the FBI, DOJ, CIA and the DNI to push this conspiracy in an attempt to overthrow a duly elected president.  
Trump was an outsider that is interfering with the swamp or establishment that was engaging in slowly getting government control of our lives.  It was not just the democrats that are part of the swamp, but many republicans also.  It is very simple, Trump was the new boss in town and he was going to expose their conspiracy.  This is all about power and control that both parties wanted to maintain.  Our liberties and way of life was going to be eroded on a gradual basis over time and one day we would wake up and realize we have no constitution.

This is why congress will never pass term limits.  It must be done through a Constitutional Convention of the states to achieve this as well as repealing the 17th amendment that took control of the senate elections from the state legislators, where the state legislators selected the senators.  This made state elections more important where the people of each state had more control of who would be their representative and would be responsible to the state and not the national party.


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