Thursday, January 31, 2019

Infanticide ?

So, the great governor of NY has signed a bill permitting an abortion up to birth.  So, if a mother decides that while giving birth, she does not want the baby, they can kill the baby.  Or as they like to say, they will make the baby comfortable and then kill it. 

I did not know that the voters NY elected as governor a protégé of Margaret Sanger, the founder of Planned Parenthood that wanted to kill the unwanted starting with the black race or children born with a disability.  While the governor signed the bill, he was surrounded with people applauding. 

However, you see all these commercials for cats and dogs that have been abused, requesting just $19 a month to save an animal.  But, that is just a dog not a human being.  In fact, if you intentionally kill an animal, starve an animal to death or abuse an animal you are going to be arrested and can expect jail time.   Animals are not human and they have priority over a human life. 

How far as a society have we sunk where a human life has no value, but an animal does?

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