Saturday, November 24, 2018

You are a racist if a Trump supporter

If you are a Trump supporter, voted for Trump or like any of Trump’s proposal, you are a racist.  It has become apparent from the Demon-crats and their supporters that if you are white, black, pink or green, regardless of your ethic heritage, religious affiliation, you are a racist, pure and simple.  There is no getting around this identification.  Naturally, anyone who professes to be a demon-crat is pure in spirit, never offensive to anyone (except Trump and his supporters) and loves and adores all and everyone who agrees with them.  The only exception is if you believe in God.  Then, you are on shaky ground since you cannot profess there is a God while being a supporter of the Demon-cratic Communist Party.  Yes, you can call yourself a socialist or progressive, but they are just fancy terms for Marxist/communism that believes in government control of everything and everyone.  If you listen carefully to what these demon-crats preach, remove the cotton from your ears, they are professing what communism is, control over the people and businesses.  In fact the admitted communist, Mayor Bill DeBlasio of NYC, recently advocated that government should control all property and buildings, who can live where and what can be built.  Precisely what communism is all about and why it has never succeeded anywhere it has been tried.  Contrary to the socialist news media, socialism has failed in Venezuela, North Korea, Cub, former Soviet Union and their Eastern bloc countries and will eventually in China where government controls all production although they like to pretend they do not.   

So, this is what is being taught in our colleges where socialism is king and capitalism sucks.  Although, as I mentioned, socialism has never been successful.  But again, it is all about control over you, your money and all aspects of your life from birth (if they even allow you to be born) to death, that under their leadership is a certainty and maybe sooner than you think.  This is another reason the demon-crats want to roll back the tax cut that put more money in your pocket since they know how to spend your money better than you do.  That my friends is what the demon-crats bring to the table.  Over 63 million people voted for Trump in 2016 and everyone single one is a racist and under a demon-cratic government will have to be sent to internment camps for re-education.  And that is not a joke since the fake news media is already performing that function with false information to brainwash us into believing socialism is good, capitalism is bad and Trump and his supporters are evil.  But, Trump supporters are trying to do the work that God supports while the demon-crats prefer doing Satan’s work.  We are in a war between good and evil in this country and actually around the whole world.  The choice is ours to make.  Freedom or slavery.

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