Friday, November 16, 2018

The election results in Florida, Georgia and Texas

For those living in Florida, Georgia and Texas, they can breathe a sigh of relief as the socialist progressives in these states lost.  But as I write this, it appears Broward County is still manipulating the manufactured voter problem.  Sounds like election 2000 all over again.  It is beginning to seem that if the election does not go as planned, then the demon-crats will turn to Broward County. 

Socialist progressives is a modern day term for Marxist/communist, but just a little spin on the truth so the future idiots of America that are attending high school and college are duped into believing a better form of government is coming.  Nobody seems to ask these progressives candidates to show us where such form of government has been successful.  Some like to say Norway, but Norway has insisted they are not a socialist/Marxist government.  But, since we do not teach history in our schools, you can claim anything and the young buffoons will believe you since it is a professor telling them this and we all know professors would not lie. 

But, except for the Ocasio Cortez in New York and Sanders in VT., these progressives all lost.  Thank God.  However, it is not over as the demon-crats have control of the House and they, as advertised, intend to continue their hate of President Trump and have hearings and subpoenas issued for Trump’s tax returns from 30 to 50 years ago, even though it has nothing to do with the phony Russian Collusion, but they still want to attempt impeachment anyway.  In addition they will attempt to impeach Supreme Court Justice Kavanaugh even though legal scholars have said it cannot be done. 

So, if Pelosi believes hate and resist are what the demon-crats are going to do, then Congress will not be passing any legislation to benefit the voters.   If the House passes legislation rescinding the tax cuts, imposing Obamacare, and unlimited spending for shovel ready jobs nothing will get done.  But, just like Obama said, Trump also has a pen and he can use it to veto any stupid legislation that God forbid would actually pass the Senate.  But, Sens. Flake and McCain are and will no longer be in the Senate come January, so we can breathe a sigh of relief again.  And, I might add, Paul Ryan is not going to be in the House starting in January, so things although may appear a little bleak now, it will get better in the 2020 election.  Most of the Trump haters in Congress in the Republican Party are gone or substantially reduced. 

But, the Florida election results, although appearing to be over will now be in the news for the next few weeks.  They could not do this with Trump, but to them, never say never.  But, can Broward County print ballots fast enough to get them more votes. 

We also have the Georgia governor election where the demon-crats cannot accept another loss, so they will return to their normal rhetoric the voters who did not voter for Adams are racist.

I might add the all new addition to the demon-crats in Alexandra Ocasio Cortez who claims to have a degree in economics with a minor in international relations.  Based on what she has been preaching since her win in the primaries, she must have slept through both classes.  Stupid is what stupid does. 

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