Thursday, August 16, 2018

PSST-Lying News Media and John Brennan

It is not a violation of the 1st Amendment to remove the security clearance from the former head of the CIA or anybody else who may have one from government.  What is given can be taken by any administration.  In fact a bone head communist as John Brennan should never have been CIA director in the first place.  Also, the CIA is supposed to be prohibited from engaging in any activity within the United States.  But, since the Obama Administration was using government agencies (IRS, CIA, NSA, DOJ, State Department and others) to harass and spy on their political opposition, including some in the news media, is why the security of the country was in jeopardy.  We were becoming a country where the government could run roughshod over the people and threaten them with prosecution on phony charges.  The swamp or AKA Deep State was exercising their control over the people and attempting to thwart the will of the people who elected Donald Trump president.  This is why they developed this phony dossier and lied to the courts, congress and the American people and began this phony Mueller investigation that has not found any evidence of then candidate Trump colluding with the Russia.  However, there is a ton of evidence indicating the Obama Administration, Hillary Clinton and the DNC conspired to overthrow the election.  The Deep State saw their chance to increase their power and control over the government and the people being stopped by the election of Trump and they are pulling out all stops to overthrow this president and his administration.  If it can happen to Trump, it can happen to anyone and the vote of the people does not matter.

As for security clearance, anybody who is fired or convicted of any crime should automatically have their clearance rescinded.  In fact, once you leave government it should be rescinded and if the government needs to consult with a former employee, they can reinstate the security clearance at that time for that discussion.    

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