Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Mueller, the FBI and DOJ investigations

We now are having hearings on Bruce Ohr who was also involved in the attempt by the hierarchy of both the FBI, DOJ, CIA and State Department to overthrow through false allegations the Trump administration.  President Trump is an outsider and not part of the deep state that has members of both parties attempting to keep their control of government in their hands and not who the people elected to the presidency.   They have also involved the lying news media who are supportive of their efforts or are just a bunch of idiots who are brain dead.  Day in and day out 24 hours a day, all we hear from the lying news media is another diatribe on President Trump with information from unnamed sources that eventually to turn out to be lies in a vain attempt to trick their viewers against Trump.  But, the viewers are smarter than those reporting the fake news. 

A major problem with all these phony investigations is Jeff Sessions, the AG.  We are seeing first hand that Sessions is in over his head and is clueless what his duties and authority is.  He excused himself from the Russian collusion investigation, but only the Russian collusion investigation.  However, the Mueller team has expanded their investigation in an attempt to get President Trump on anything that may get him removed from office, even if they have to go back 20 to 30 years.  This is beyond why the Special Prosecutor was assigned, but with the collaboration of Deputy AG Rosenstein, his duties have been expanded beyond his original assignment.  Yet, Sessions will not step in that can only mean he is clueless on this responsibilities and duties and may very well be part of the deep state.   He is surrounded with higher ups in the DOJ that were deeply involved in the phony Russian dossier and will not assert his authority to clean house and bring government back to what our constitution states.   Even FBI Wray was recommended for the position by Rosenstein and Trump approved this appointment under the illusion the FBI would be cleaned out. We now know that Wray and Rosenstein were friends and Wray is protecting the criminal behavior in the FBI.  Everyone has been questioning why the corrupt higher ups were not removed from the FBI and prosecuted as well as those in the DOJ who together conspired to overthrow a duly elected president who we now are witnessing firsthand what Trump has exposed and called The Swamp.  The Swamp does not want to relinquish power, but as more information comes out almost daily, when will the prosecution begin.   Mueller, Comey, Brennan, Clapper, Hillary, Loretta Lynch, Rosenstein as well as those in the FBI and DOJ already fired are all part of this Swamp. 

President Trump must order all the correspondence related to all these investigations, released unredacted.  We need open and complete visibility on all the Emails and other communications showing how all these individuals conspired against what the American voter selected for president.  Whether you voted for Trump or Hillary does not matter.   Either our vote counts or we surrender to the deep state the control of government and the people.  I was not an Obama supporter, but like many others, you remove any politician from office through your vote not a phony allegation.  If this Mueller investigation succeeds in what the Deep State wants, our country is lost.  But as every day goes by, we are seeing this entire conspiracy exposed.  It is just that the AG remains clueless and after the November elections, we need an AG that understand his authority. 

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