Tuesday, June 19, 2018

The IG Report, what we are learning

The highly anticipated IG reports comes out after it was reviewed by the FBI and DOJ and certain sections were removed or altered on the pretense of national security.  Of course national security had little meaning when it came to Hillary Clinton having her own server, using unsecured devices to communicate classified information with her staff and others in the Obama administration, including President Obama who also used an unsecured device.  But, they were democrats so it is expected, just like the hacking into the DNC computers, but the FBI was not given access to review as part of their investigation.  So, the DNC can claim Russian hacking, then develop a Russian dossier accusing the Trump campaign of collusion.  But what we have learned is the inflamed rhetoric in the highest levels of both the FBI and DOJ against anything and everything Trump.  How members of the FBI engaged in activity to prevent the Trump election and if elected to destroy his administration.  So, now we know why we have the phony Mueller uncontrolled investigation developed by these conspirators within government.  A government that was on the verge of having us become a police state and would have succeeded if Clinton was elected.  So, criminal activity in government is not prosecuted, but if we engaged in similar activity, we would be behind bars.

I guess what George Orwell wrote in his book, 1984, has become reality, “that all people are equal, just some more equal than others”.    

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