Friday, June 15, 2018

The IG report, FBI and DOJ

We have learned from reading the IG report and that the stories we have been hearing about the corruption in the FBI and DOJ was true. 

We had the FBI under the direction on Comey becoming an instrument of the Obama administration to derail the Trump campaign by using this agency together with the DOJ under that great leader Loretta Lynch.  This is beyond comprehension, what we see today in 3rd world countries, the former Soviet Union and Russia today.  What we have learned is the government is dictating who will become president, who will be spied upon and anyone Trump supporter be investigated.  This is still going on today with the Mueller investigation that is attempting to find any type of charge they can level against President Trump to get him impeached. 

Then we must asked what are AG Jeff Sessions and FBI Director Christopher Wray doing to correct this corruption.  I can say that Wray was the supervisor of Andrew Weissmann who had Paul Manafort jailed without charges, or trial in an attempt to orchestrate a deal for Manafort to testify against Trump.  They are attempting to influence Manafort in what they want him to say. 

What some do not know, is that Christopher Wray was the supervisor of Andrew Weissmann when they both were in the DOJ and both were friends with Mueller.  Andrew Weissman was the DOJ attorney that got convictions against Enron officers that were later overturned due to manipulation of evidence to get the convictions.  The discovery was not actually all the evidence that Weissman had.  The evidence that would disproved his case was somehow not presented.  Yet, he is the lead attorney for the Mueller investigation and was never disbarred.  It is amazing how corrupt our government is.  The deep state, Trump haters were doing their best not to get Trump elected and now that he was, doing their best get him removed.  If we as citizens permit this to happen, we are not a constitution republic and George Orwell’s 1984 is here, just 34 years later.  Of course the book was published in 1949.  He must have been psychic.    

The IG report also shows how involved the news media was in attempting to derail Trump.  Trump campaigned to drain the swamp and the swamp people, democrats, republicans, the lobbyist and news media are doing their best to remove Trump from the oval office. 

We know the Obama administration used the NSA, IRS, FBI, DOJ, CIA and DNI to spy on American citizens and yet the Trump haters, (Democratic Party, many Republicans) have not been demanding the exposure of this information. I guess we have a two tier justice system.  The people and the government.  One gets spied on, arrested and the other either gets to retire or keeps their job with some updated training to make sure they do not do it again.  At least until the next presidential election. 

FBI Director Christopher Wray and DOJ Jeff Sessions are in over their head and cannot make the decisions to save our republic.  They are useless and President Trump should have them fired.  

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