Friday, February 16, 2018

The Florida School Shooting

We have again another school shooting where at least 17 students and teachers have been killed.  Now, many ask how could this happen?  Right away, the usual suspects start their chant that we need gun control.  This was led by Sen. BAN (Bill A-Hole Nelson) who throws out the liberal lines that we need gun control.  Yet when you asked these same individuals how gun control could have prevented this incident, they cannot answer, but go off with their usual rhetoric.  Controlling guns is not the answer, preventing those with criminal records or displaying mental health issues from purchasing weapons is the answer.  But, if nobody knows, nothing can be done. 

What we have learned so far from this shooting and other school shootings is that many of the students were aware that the former student had issues.  In fact, if you listen to what some of the students were saying the evening of this shooting, the students were communicating with each other about the shooter and how some were not surprised by this shooter’s actions.  Yet, it also appears, rather than inform their parents, teachers or law enforcement, nothing was done.  Again, what this shooter wrote on social media was known by the students, but so far, unknown to those who may have been able to address the issues this shooter was expressing in his writings.  The phrase that we have been hearing since 9/11, “If you see something, say something,” was not used.

But, it was reported the FBI was alerted to an individual on social media by a 36-year-old YouTube video blogger from Mississippi, about a web site where the writer indicated he wanted to get involved in a school shooting.  But the FBI is claiming they could not track down the writer.  All they needed to do was get a search warrant to obtain the IP address.  The information in the web site would have been enough to obtain the warrant.  However, this was not done.  Yet, they had no problem obtaining warrants from the FISA court with less collaborating information.  Go figure.  The FBI has excellent agents, but like any occupation, maybe some have lost their zeal to the job.  But, then again, if Comey, McBride, Sally Yates and others knew, they could have manufactured details to obtain a warrant.  But, excuse me, I digress. 

If the anti-gun crowd really wants to restrict gun possession then they should push for a constitutional amendment to change the 2nd Amendment.  But this would require 34 states to call for a constitutional amendment and 38 states to pass an amendment.  But these liberals would rather go to court and find a sympathetic judge that may illegally order gun restrictions that is usually overruled by other courts or the Supreme Court as happened in the past. 

However, these same anti-gun advocates will not address the Hollywood violent movies where guns are used to resolve issues.  In addition we have the violent video games that again have guns resolving issues.  So, this is the world our children grow up in, violence solving issues.  This especially important when children today do not communicate face to face but through an electronic device.

Mental health issues must also be addressed and those that display potential mental health problems, whether student or adult, should not have access to weapons until a complete mental evaluation has been established.  Additionally, guns in homes of these individuals should be secured to prevent access.  Since this becomes a political correct issue on identifying a person who may have mental health issues and may object, but state legislatures should be addressing this issue. 

These shootings also occur in gun free zones.  Schools, movie theaters, malls or even churches where these gunmen are aware that guns will not be present. 

Finally, we are removing God from our schools and our lives and when God is removed, evil moves in. We are losing all respect for human life from the womb to old age and when the senior becomes a burden on society, we just euthanize them and problem solved.  Our country was founded with God as the center of our life and we need to return to God.  When we have a TV show titled “Lucifer”, another name for Satan, we see we are heading down the wrong road.  Our country will not survive without God in our lives.  Evil is replacing God and evil is growing as we are witnessing. 

With God, all things are possible, without God, evil is sure to thrive.

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