Thursday, February 22, 2018

The Communist News Network Forum

Yesterday, the Communist News Network, AKA Clinton News Network, AKA CNN had a forum with Sen. Rubio and Dana Loesch, the NRA spokesperson that was obvious from the beginning was a set up to advance the anti-gun, anti-2nd Amendment and throw outrageous insults against Sen. Rubio and Dana Loesch, among others. 
Although, the shooting was a tragedy that from all reports should have been averted, but due to a failure the FBI and the local law enforcement and a very complicated mental health system, we had the death of 17 people and multiple wounded. 

So, before the bodies were cold, we had the usual rant from the anti-gun and 2nd Amendment radicals without a discussion on the real issue, mental health and a failure in the background checks.  The Shooting at the church in Texas is a prime example of the screw up when the shooter received a dishonorable discharge from the military as well as a record of threats made against his wife that were documented but not reported to the proper agency.  So, if there is no record, a background check will not disclose anything.  The same with the shooter in Florida.  We must tighten reporting procedures on reports of radical behavior of individuals.  Since the FBI has various units to address national issues, gangs, terrorist etc., we need a unit that can investigate and address reports similar to what was made on the Florida shooter so the information is not just placed in a cylinder file.

But in the Communist News Network forum we had accusations made against Sen. Rubio and Dana Loesch that they were responsible for the shooting.  The typical left line of lies and accusations that are made and CNN used these students as pawns to advance their agenda.  If one was to question these students why we have a 2nd Amendment, you can rest assured they would not know the answer.  Probably, many of the democrats and some republicans could not answer either. 

The gun whether a rifle or handgun is not the problem, but the person using the weapon.  In all these school shootings, mental health issues were at the forefront of why.  We, as a society, need to reexamine our mental health procedures so those individuals exhibiting radical behavior that may border on possible aggressive behavior, needs to be addressed, reported and investigated and any weapon that they may have access too, must be removed or secured to avoid the individual gaining access.

The NRA, President Trump and his administration is not the problem.  The NRA teaches gun safety and believes in the 2nd Amendment for the protection of all citizens.  As we are hearing in the news media today, the NRA are murders, Trump is a murder and all guns should be confiscated.  Confiscation of weapons is precisely what the Marxist Democrats have been striving for over the past 50 plus years.  Take the guns away from the citizens and government gains complete control.  It worked in Hitler’s Germany and present day on Venezuela as well Cuba among others.   

Preventing a person less than 21 from purchasing a weapon is another idea being floated about without actually examining the consequences.  Originally, only those who attained the age of 21, could vote in our national elections, until a push for a change to 18 years old since you can be in the military and in a combat role and not able to vote.  The same applies here.  At 18 you can serve, go to a foreign country, engage in combat, but at home cannot own a weapon even though in the military you have been trained in all kinds of weaponry.   So, at 20 years old, you come out of the military and are told you cannot own a pistol or rifle.  So, maybe if you enter the military at 18, we give you a water pistol and send you into a combat zone to kill the enemy since you are not 21 or you cannot enter the military unless you are 21.  How would that affect our Military Academies?  Sounds a bit weird, but this is the logic being pushed today.  Common sense need not apply.  Then again, has anything Pelosi and Schumer said lately make sense.  This is what socialism/Marxism gets you.  Not logical, but that is today’s Democratic Party and their leftist friends. 

By the way, nobody has addressed Hollywood movies and video games that solve all their problems with a gun.  This is what our kids today grow up viewing and their brains digest that violence will solve whatever problems they may have.  It works in the movies and why not real life.   

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