Friday, February 3, 2017

The Brown Shirts of 2017

During the 1920 and 1930’s, Hitler and his Nazis had a group better known as the Brown Shirts that would rampage through parts of Germany destroying business of Jews and other non-supporters of Hitler and the Nazis as well as disrupting meetings of the opposition and other political parties.  This all came to a head in 1934 with what is commonly known as the “Night of the Long Knives”.  Where their use by Hitler was not needed anymore as they presented a threat against Hitler.  So, many of their leaders were “arrested”.  Many if not all were never seen again.

So, today we see the radical anarchist who are dressed in black creating havoc, attacking free speech anywhere they find it if not the speakers and their followers.  It is believed that Billionaire George Soros is the principal financier behind many of these demonstrations.   But we know the clueless in Hollywood, college students who are oblivious of world history support these anarchist and their destructive behavior and prefer blaming Trump for all this unrest.  Now, those of us that actually have a brain and know how to use it, realize these radicals are out to disrupt government and society with the hope to overthrow government, or at least create unrest with the hope getting the brain dead college idiots to join them.  This is what happens when the Marxist and communist professors take over high school and colleges and teach their ideology against the United States, our constitution and way of life with the hope of moving our country towards a socialist, communist/Marxist society. We all know how well that is working in Cuba, Venezuela, North Korea, China and the former Soviet Union and Soviet Bloc countries.  

When you listen to interviews, commonly known as man on the street, you realize the Millennial’s students of today have no idea what our constitution says and the difference between a democracy and a republic form of government.  Even some democratic members of Congress have no idea.  In fact, a few days ago, one of our greatest butt holes, House minority Nancy Pelosi believes capitalism is the problem.  Of course she will not discuss all the millions of dollars she has made by funneling government business to her husband.   Like I said, it is amazing how many millions of dollars members of congress have made on $174,000 a year. 

If the anarchist are not stopped by their supporters, mainly democrats, these radicals will eventually turn on them.  Then they may cry out for law and order.

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