Saturday, February 11, 2017

A memo to the Democrats

You are not the Democratic Party of Truman and Kennedy. You have become a Marxist/Communist party that supports anarchist, does not believe in our constitution or way of life, but prefers government control of our lives. 

Free speech is acceptable only if the speech is approved by your Marxist/communist party.  Our Bill of Rights are unacceptable and must be changed, but not through the amendment process, but through our court system that is not legal according to our constitution. 

You will obstruct, delay and use personal destruction of your opposition because you cannot accept the election of Trump since his election has prevented you from instituting your destruction of our government through the continuation of the Obama policies and the trampling on the citizens of this country through obsessive regulation and control of every aspect of our lives. 

A new sheriff is in town that believes in what our Founding Fathers gave us and he is going follow that piece of paper called the constitution.  You either follow along or get out of the way.  Your destructive actions if continued will be reflective in the 2018 election where the voters will reject your Marxist ideology and programs of destruction and imprisonment of the people through your policies.

By the way we are not a democracy, but a Constitutional Republic.  Since you do not understand that form of government, I suggest you read up on our history.  Oh, I forgot, you were never taught our history nor do you want it taught in our schools. 

So, keep up your opposition and watch the American people turn away from your ideology.  Goodbye and good riddance.   

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