Monday, September 19, 2016

Why RINO's fear Trump and why he must be elected. Government must be returned to the people.

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Clinton-Backing Republicans Looking for a Payout

The Republicans in the Beltway lining up to support Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton are hoping for jobs, influence, power, unfettered globalism, and even an expanded federal government.
For many GOP defectors, the scramble for Hillary’s ear isn’t based on wanting the best direction for the nation at all.
“I don’t think Trump should be worried that elite [Republicans] don’t support him.  I think he would be worried if they did.”
Many of the Republicans listed on Hillary Clinton’s website have ties to businesses that do work in China, or all over the globe. Some have ties to the global defense and intelligence networks that benefit mightily from U.S. involvement in overseas conflicts.

There’s Richard Armitage, Colin Powell’s former deputy secretary of state. Ten years ago, Armitage left the government to work in the private sector. He lobbied for L-3 Communications Corp., a large intelligence contractor that has done work for the Pentagon, and in Iraq. He also sat on the board of ManTech International, which does work for the NSA.

There’s Hamid R. Moghadam, chairman and CEO of Prologis, a global REIT, or real estate investment trust. The company is based in San Francisco but operates globally.
"The Clinton Republicans are very pro-Wall Street, pro-multinational-corporations," said Eddie Zipperer, an assistant professor of political science at Georgia Military College. "They want globalist policies that are bad for Americans but great for multinational corporations. They want free trade so that they can make their products for pennies in developing nations.  They want an open border so that illegal immigration will drive down wages across industries. They want neoconservative wars that open up new markets around the world."

Then there are some, like James W. Cicconi of AT&T, whose motivations are even more obvious. AT&T got $428 million from the feds in 2015 to provide broadband to rural areas in 18 states, according to Ars Technica. Hillary Clinton has made high-speed broadband for every household a key promise in her campaign platform.

Making the decision easier for these Republicans was the fact that many jumped ship over the summer, when Trump's prospects were far weaker. Endorsing Hillary Clinton, former GOP Rep. Chris Shays wrote a fawning piece for CNN on Aug. 10. Shays said he wasn't even hesitant.
"Clinton, the Democratic candidate for president, will be getting my vote, not reluctantly, but with a strong conviction that she will be a good president," Shays wrote.

Observers say some of these Republicans want jobs and favors — and they will likely get them.
"From a historical perspective, Benedict Arnold was rewarded for his treachery," said Craig Shirley, a former Reagan campaign aide and historian. "Selling out can be profitable."
Shirley said the Clinton Republicans — he calls them Vichy Republicans — should not be scared off by Trump's unique personality.

"Trump may be weird but he's right on the issues," said Shirley. "While Hillary is weird and wrong on the issues. And she's also irredeemably corrupt."

But to Clinton Republicans, this is an opportunity to keep the rabble and populists in line — people like gun owners in Iowa and Alabama who wear bib overalls and camouflage hunting caps. People who want tariffs on nations that break trade or intellectual property laws.

"Hillary Clinton isn't the only one who thinks a giant chunk of hardworking Americans are deplorable," Zipperer said. "All the upper-echelon plutocrats believe that. Somewhere along the way they stopped believing that 'we the people' are capable of governing ourselves.  They don't like the principles of democracy because they believe they have better ideas and pedigrees than the rest of us."

"So I don't think Trump should be worried that elites don't support him," Zipperer concluded. "I think he would be worried if they did."
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