Thursday, April 2, 2015

Religious Freedom Laws

Indiana and Arkansas pass Religious Freedom Laws to protect business and even individuals that may claim that because of their religious beliefs they cannot serve those individuals who actions or behavior are contrary to their religious held beliefs. (Of course they would have to prove that belief in court as Hobby Lobby did)  Remember, years ago religious organizations that were involved in adoptions had to close because of their church teachings, they cannot and would not permit adoption by gay people.  So, these agencies closed their doors to adoption. 

What we are witnessing today over these Religious Freedom Laws is not actually about these laws, but the upcoming war against religion and their long held teachings.  In the target hairs is the Catholic Church that will not perform a marriage ceremony between two men or two women.  What we are witnessing is an attack on religion that is to come in the not too distant future.  The liberal progressives together with the radical socialist, Marxist believe if you can destroy religion and a person’s belief in God, you can make government the new God.  As usual, the clueless cannot see this happening and do not speak out and may even join in on these demonstrations.  Stupid is what stupid does.

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