Thursday, April 30, 2015


We have seen 50 years of the War on Poverty and if one was truthful, one would see that it has been a total failure.  Trillion of dollars have been spent on the so called war, and yet many of the low income people and families are still in poverty and many of them are black.  Why is that?  One reason is poverty will never be solved with a government handout.   People need a hand up not a hand out.  However, the democrats believe in throwing money at this problem in order to secure the black vote and the blacks like loyal subjects give them their vote.  What the black community needs is education and vocational training so they can get a good job and lift themselves up.  However, as most democrats know, if they actually do that, they will lose their vote.  That is why they are against school choice.  The teachers union does want choice and the democrats do not want choice since they will lose union support.  And that support is actually money to feed their coffers.  Black lives matter, but for democrats it is black votes that matter to them.  Liberal, socialist programs are failures and the democrats will not see that and just want to sink more money into these programs or as the president states, more investment.  So, who pays for all these failed programs, you and me.  Money will not solve the problem, education will.  In addition, black lives matter except when nearly 36% to 42% of black females get abortions and nearly 72% of black children are raised in single family home.  There lies the other problem.  If black lives really matter, the democrats would try to address this problem.  But, since democrats take the black vote for granted, they will just throw them a bone periodically and champion some cause or other and continue getting the black vote.   Instead, blacks should demand school vouchers to bring equality in education, and maybe, just maybe try voting republican once and they will see a difference in their issues being addressed. 

Most blacks and most people want the opportunity to succeed in a job and make a living on their own for their family and not rely on a government handout.  Eventually, all governments, like history has shown, run out of money.  Then what?  For a party that believes in choice, they really do not want to give the choice that blacks really need.    And why should the democrats worry, since if they do nothing they will still get the black vote and blame the republicans for any and all problems in the black community and if the democrats looked in the mirror, they would see who is at fault. 

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