Thursday, April 30, 2015


We have seen 50 years of the War on Poverty and if one was truthful, one would see that it has been a total failure.  Trillion of dollars have been spent on the so called war, and yet many of the low income people and families are still in poverty and many of them are black.  Why is that?  One reason is poverty will never be solved with a government handout.   People need a hand up not a hand out.  However, the democrats believe in throwing money at this problem in order to secure the black vote and the blacks like loyal subjects give them their vote.  What the black community needs is education and vocational training so they can get a good job and lift themselves up.  However, as most democrats know, if they actually do that, they will lose their vote.  That is why they are against school choice.  The teachers union does want choice and the democrats do not want choice since they will lose union support.  And that support is actually money to feed their coffers.  Black lives matter, but for democrats it is black votes that matter to them.  Liberal, socialist programs are failures and the democrats will not see that and just want to sink more money into these programs or as the president states, more investment.  So, who pays for all these failed programs, you and me.  Money will not solve the problem, education will.  In addition, black lives matter except when nearly 36% to 42% of black females get abortions and nearly 72% of black children are raised in single family home.  There lies the other problem.  If black lives really matter, the democrats would try to address this problem.  But, since democrats take the black vote for granted, they will just throw them a bone periodically and champion some cause or other and continue getting the black vote.   Instead, blacks should demand school vouchers to bring equality in education, and maybe, just maybe try voting republican once and they will see a difference in their issues being addressed. 

Most blacks and most people want the opportunity to succeed in a job and make a living on their own for their family and not rely on a government handout.  Eventually, all governments, like history has shown, run out of money.  Then what?  For a party that believes in choice, they really do not want to give the choice that blacks really need.    And why should the democrats worry, since if they do nothing they will still get the black vote and blame the republicans for any and all problems in the black community and if the democrats looked in the mirror, they would see who is at fault. 

Presidential Stupidity

As we have seen over the years our president has been in office, he is quick to judge before knowing all the facts.  Remember, our president was quick to comment on Cambridge Mass., that the police acted stupidly, Treyvon Martin case in Orlando, Ferguson Missouri, Staten Island incident and now the incident in Baltimore Md.  All these incidents involved police officers except in Orlando, where racial tensions were inflamed by agitators and our incompetent president comments without knowing all the facts also inflaming the issues.  One would think the president would withhold his racially inflaming comments until all the facts were presented and instead promote calm and promise the public that a full investigation will be conducted.  After all, our president had Eric Holder to do his bidding, although it did not take much for Mr. Holder to incite people.  So, today we see the incident in Baltimore create destruction by agitators and criminals looking for free things through looting and our president must comment about police departments.  Something our president has never learned is that at times silence is golden and one should withhold comment until all the facts are in.  As a person that taught constitutional law, you would think he would know that.  But the key words are “you would think”, something he seems to lack.  But, although he is quick to blame the police, it seems he avoids mentioning Radical Islamist Terrorist when the facts are proven that this is exactly the group causing terrorism.  A known fact, but again it is a known fact and the fact does not fit into our president’s ideology.  But as I have said often, our president is a Muslim sympathizer, and does not wish to offend this group, but is quick to blame Christians since this fits into his rhetoric.  The question to ask yourself, “will we survive the remaining months he has in office and will we elect another person that will continue his reckless, incompetent and failed administration”.  2016 must be about change and not the change he manipulated the public into believing.  Getting back to the constitution our Founders gave us is where we must start.  As a former president once stated, “Government is the problem, not the answer”.   We need less government which is the reason we had a revolution against King George in the first place.  Central planning has never worked.  Government bureaucrats do not have the answers on how to run a business or industry.  The people know better.  Hopefully, they will remember this in 2016.

Thursday, April 9, 2015

President Obama and Christianity

So, President Obama criticizes Christianity again, this time at the Easter prayer breakfast.  He claimed that Christianity is not living up to their beliefs.  When you think about his statement, you realize there may be some truth in his statement.  Examining what is happening in the Middle East where we see Christians destroying 1000 year old Mosques, beheading those who are not Christian, raping women and pillaging villages and gathering Muslim women for a concubine to give birth to more Christians.  Looking at these events in the Middle East, one can see where the President is correct in his statement. Oh, wait a second, that was not Christians doing all those evil deeds it was followers of Islam.  After all, anyone with religious beliefs and seeing this evil it may be easy to conclude that these Radical Islamic Terrorist are really doing the work of Satan and not Allah.  We are witnessing a Christian Holocaust in the Middle East and Prime Minister Neville Chamberlin Aka President Obama, has been doing nothing.  The 1930’s all over again and we know how that ended.  But, if this slaughter was happening to Muslims, President Obama would be out front demanding the world respond while he leads from behind.

Thursday, April 2, 2015

The Iranian rumor

The rumor running rampant in Iran and the world actually, is that the negotiating with President Obama and Secretary of State John Kerry is like negotiating with Dumb and Dumber.  

Religious Freedom Laws

Indiana and Arkansas pass Religious Freedom Laws to protect business and even individuals that may claim that because of their religious beliefs they cannot serve those individuals who actions or behavior are contrary to their religious held beliefs. (Of course they would have to prove that belief in court as Hobby Lobby did)  Remember, years ago religious organizations that were involved in adoptions had to close because of their church teachings, they cannot and would not permit adoption by gay people.  So, these agencies closed their doors to adoption. 

What we are witnessing today over these Religious Freedom Laws is not actually about these laws, but the upcoming war against religion and their long held teachings.  In the target hairs is the Catholic Church that will not perform a marriage ceremony between two men or two women.  What we are witnessing is an attack on religion that is to come in the not too distant future.  The liberal progressives together with the radical socialist, Marxist believe if you can destroy religion and a person’s belief in God, you can make government the new God.  As usual, the clueless cannot see this happening and do not speak out and may even join in on these demonstrations.  Stupid is what stupid does.