Friday, November 1, 2013


It has been well documented over the past 4 years that this president has lied repeatedly on Obamacare and that he knows better what insurance coverage you need whether you think so or not.  After all government knows better.  You will still be purchasing maternity care when you do not need it and the plan that you had for many years and enjoyed, they believe they know better what you need and your plan is just junk.   

This president has lied even in the two books he wrote.  This has been well documented and even he admitted he made things up.  The president lied on his association with 1960's radical terrorist Bill Ayers and Bernadette Dorn and these two were responsible for beginning his run for political office.  Remember, he went to a church for 20 years and never paid attention or never heard the outrageous sermons by Rev. Wright. 

It seems he has denied knowledge of all the scandals in his administration and only heard about them when the public heard about that.  He was touted as the smartest person in the room and lately the smartest person in the world.  And yet if you review his administrations over the past 5 years, you would have to admit, this may be the dumbest president we have ever had.  Dumb like a fox.  He will not accept responsibility for any of the problems in his administration, but is quick to be out in front when and if something good happens and as long as the news media suck up to him, our country is lost and we will continue to head down the road of the garbage heap as we turn into a socialist country where your freedoms will only come with government approval.  Just examine what has happened to other socialist/Marxist countries.  Do your own research and become knowledgeable and not rely on what I say or the news media.  Your freedom is at stake. 

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