Wednesday, October 27, 2021

Sen. Joe Manchin and the $3 Billion Marxist budget deal

 We know Sen. Manchin has been opposed to this budget debacle and has indicated in the past he would not support this supposedly infrastructure bill that actually has nothing to do with infrastructure but a lot to do with immigrant reform to give green cards to illegals, money handouts for votes and money for the green new deal that will destroy our economy and we better start buying bicycles and motorbikes or move back to big cities where there is an abundant of public transportation.  Moving back to the cities is exactly what UN Agenda 21 is pushing for years.  Like to know how the green new deal would supply all the energy the big cities need to function, like NYC, Chicago, LA, San Francisco etc.  There are not enough wind turbines or solar panels to supply the needed electricity. But who cares as long as money is given to implement the green new deal.  We all know how great the Solyndra deal was under Obama.   

So the passing of this legislation that would destroy our country, destroy our constitution, put all power in government, government control of elections and not the people as well as given us American Marxism is in the hands of two Senators, Kyrsten Sinema and Joe Manchin.  Not familiar with Sen. Sinema but past experiences show that Sen. Manchin has a weak backbone.  I know that over 100 years ago we had a baseball player known as Shoeless Joe Jackson and 100 years later will be have a senator known as Spineless Joe Manchin.   Is Sen. Manchin a supporter of our constitution or does he prefer American Marxism? 

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