Thursday, July 15, 2021

President China Joeobama and Commie Harris

Wake up America

Sometimes better known as Mr. Senile and dumb dumb, they are what we are supposed to believe are leading our country as President and Vice-President.  Don’t believe that for a minute.  When China Joeobama speaks one can readily see there is a mental issue and listening to Commie Harris we hear and see someone who is clueless and tries her best to avoid her assigned duties. 

Neither one is actually leading.  As you can see, those individuals nominated and appointed to various positions within the China Joebama administration are all retreads from the Obama administration.  The real decision makers are Obama and Susan Rice.  When Obama ran for president in 2008 he stated a few days before the election to “Fundamentally Transform the United States of America”.  His administration put in place what we are seeing today.  A deep state of anti-Americans within the FBI, CIA, DOJ, Defense Dept., Intelligence agencies, and other agencies.  All out to transform the country from a Democratic Republic to a Marxist form of government.  We saw and heard this with Clapper and John Brennan as heads of DNI and CIA as they were spying on their political opposition.

Today, we see speech being regulated by Social media to the point where during the 2020 election campaign any negative information against China Joeobama or his family was not reported on these sites as well as in the news media.  There was and is today, complete control of these sites where it is okay to attack all Trump supporters but any information that may adversely affect the China Joebama administration is removed. Controlling speech is only the beginning of clamping down on our Constitution and Bill of Rights. 

All we hear from these government Marxist is the January 6th so-called insurrection.  An insurrection where no weapons were involved and from what videos were available to view, the capitol police appear to be allowing all the demonstrators into the Capitol building.  Yet the FBI is going all over the country arresting individuals seen in the video recordings that we cannot see.  The question to ask is, why are they withholding nearly 14,000 hours of videos and why are these so called “insurrectionist” being held in solitary confinement and being denied their constitutional rights.  They were not armed, were not overthrowing the government and were not assaulting, shooting, threatening anyone in the Capitol building.  The only person that died was not a government official but a female unarmed former military veteran named Ashley Babbitt that was shot by a Capital police officer who appears to be identified as Lt. Mike Byrd.  From what video available, Ms. Babbitt was not armed, she was attempting to climb through a broken door window while other law enforcement were only about 10 feet behind her and not interfering with what was happening.  But for some reason, this shooting incident is being buried by the government.  We have riots, looting and burning of businesses when a police officer is engaged in a shooting that immediately is called a racist incident even before investigation, but these rioters go unpunished, not incarcerated or prosecuted.    BLM and Antifa are Marxist organizations spreading destruction in cities controlled by democrats where these radicals know they will not be prosecuted.  The China Joeobama administration nor the DA’s in these states and cities are not pursuing prosecution, but we never hear the end of the great insurrection of January 6th.  Those of us with half a brain know this was not an insurrection and taking over the Capitol building would not overthrow our government.

But, the hate these Marxist have for Trump is never ending.  Whether you like Trump or not, he gave us a thriving economy, low energy prices, reduced regulations and the lowest unemployment for blacks and Hispanics in history and began border security.  Under the China Joeobama administration if the Trump name is associated with anything, this administration does the opposite even as it destroys our country.  Then again, that is exactly what they are trying to do.  No borders, look the other way on crime, go after those who disagree with them and spy on the American people. 

For those that use Siri or Alexa, I hope you understand that these devices are never off and others can listen in on your conversations.  Many new automobiles come with what is commonly known as a “black box” where they are supposedly monitoring your vehicle performance and can alert you if there are any vehicle problems.  That is good, but these devices also monitor your location and may or may be listening into your conversations.  It is good if your vehicle is stolen and this device can alert law enforcement to its location, but again, it is Big Brother raising its ugly head.   Your phones and other electronic devices can be monitored by government spy agencies to better control the population.  Sounds a lot like the beginning of a communist/Marxist takeover of our country.  I think Tucker Carlson and tell you about government spying as they have and are doing to him in viewing his Emails without a warrant.  Oh, that is right, they are government part of the swamp and do not need a warrant.

Hopefully, the American people are waking up as we see with parents coming out against CRT being taught and brainwashing our children to hate our country.  Not only in our schools, but in businesses, military and state and local government to make sure there is compliance otherwise it will be difficult to transform our country.   This is all part of the grand plan to take over our country and Fundamentality Transform the United States of America from a Constitutional Republic to a Marxist/Communism form of government where all power will be in the hands of government and the rich and powerful while we become the real slaves.   

The covid virus gave these Marxist a golden opportunity to manipulate the 2020 election and get China Joebama into office.  There is no way that a senile old man who campaigned from his basement would receive 80 million votes.  That is why these Marxist scream when numerous states are improving their voting rules to make sure you have an ID to register to vote and vote.  These radicals scream that this is Jim Crow and will prevent minorities and low income people from voting.  Well, all polls show many minorities want ID to vote and the argument that low income people have no ID is also a false argument.  If a person is low income you can rest assured they are receiving some form of government assistance and to receive government assistance one will need ID.  And, if by some fluke of nature one does not have an ID, all state and local government agencies can give you an ID that can be used not only to vote, but even purchase alcohol.  By the way, has anyone presented those individuals they claim have no ID?

Our history has shown that the Democratic Party is the party that prevented blacks from voting, that fought in the Civil War to maintain slavery and prevented congress from passing civil rights legislation.  It was President Johnson in 1964 that was able to pass this legislation, but only with the help of the Republicans as the Democrats had blocked such legislation for years.  President Eisenhower and Kennedy tried but were blocked by the democrats.  It was the republicans that were successful in passing this legislation in 1964 with a democratic president.  Naturally, China Joebama does not mention this or that Jim Crow was supported by the democrats and the KKK was the enforcement arm of the Democratic Party.   

In fact, the first blacks elected to congress was in 1871 when self-educated blacks were successful in getting elected and the one elected to the senate took over the seat previously occupied by Jefferson Davis.  By the way they were all republicans and one was also nominated by the Speaker of the House for 6 months that infuriated the democrats. (You can read American History in Black and White by David Barton that gives this history)

The lying news media as well as all members of the Communist Democratic Party like to call republicans or anyone that disagrees with them a racist.  They do that because they cannot defend their argument so they find calling people racist that gives them an out from actually answering the question. 

We now see the people in Cuba demonstrating against their communist oppressive government and we barely hear a peep from China Joe or his administration supporting the demonstrators. Yet we hear that China, Russia and Iran have offered assistance to the communist government.   Another opportunity for China to get a foothold in our hemisphere.  With the lack of a strong response to Cuba, you can rest assured that this is not going unnoticed by China and Russia.   The country of Ukraine should be worried about a Russian invasion in their country and Taiwan can rest assured China will be coming for them. 

We have been asleep at the wheel by assuming we have a great constitution and a great history where we overcome adversity within our country as well as victories in WWI and WWII.  But we have allowed our greatness to cause us to wear blinders to what was and is taking place in our country.  Nikita Krushchev, the former Soviet Union leader in the 50’s made a statement that we would be defeated without firing a shot and it appears we have allowed the communist/Marxist to infiltrate our education system and government and are seeing this threat coming to fruition unless we awaken and rise up to vote these people out of office at all levels of government.  The democratic members of Congress have not come out in support of our constitution as written to oppose these radicals, but have remained silent like good little school boys/girls by their leaders.  Shut up and be silent.  You should be seen and not heard.  That is their mantra.  Of course, there are some republicans that also remain silent in the hope they will be able to advance.  Silence is golden, but in this case, their silence can destroy our country.  Of course for them it is just getting a piece of the pie and growing wealthy and getting a position of power and influence so they can look down on us and crush us if we step out of line.


Trump ran for office to drain the swamp and I doubt he even knew how entrenched the swamp was and is today.  Even Sen. Schumer made a statement when Trump was elected that gave a warning to Trump that the intelligence community has many ways but Sunday to destroy you.  So, here is a multi-term senator who knew how corrupt the intelligence agencies are and were, yet did nothing to attempt to correct this corruption, but let them grow to the power they are today.  It seems the members of the Communist Democratic Party are more interested in keeping power in perpetuity and destroying our country and constitution as long as they can get a piece of the pie.  This is what you see in Cuba, Venezuela, North Korea, China and other Marxist countries where the government officials and the rich and powerful live high on the hog while the citizens live from day to day.  It is out there if one cares to review life in these countries.  Let the government control your life or be sent to a gulag.   Live free or die trying.

By the way, in case you didn't know, Barack Obama’s father was a Marxist, his mother a communist, his grandparents on his mother’s side lived in the state of Washington and were card carrying members of the communist.  His grandparents introduced him to Frank Marshall Davis (check that name out) who was a communist, moved to Chicago and produced a communist newspaper.  A follower of his was Valerie Jarrett’s father-in-law, Vernon Jarrett, (again check the name) who was a communist and worked with Frank Marshall Davis in Chicago.  Don’t forget, for 8 years, Valerie Jarrett lived in the White House with the Obama clan and was a close advisor to Obama.  You can rest assured they did not discuss how great our country was.  We know Obama was raised a communist, hung out with communist, but many will say he was a loyal American.  Yes, he was a loyal American communist.


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