Tuesday, May 11, 2021

We were and are asleep at the Wheel.

 We have always been under the illusion, and rightly so, that as a Democratic Republic our constitution would protect us from a reckless government that could attempt to violate our constitutional rights.  We believed we would not be defeated internally because of our constitution and externally because we are the only true Superpower that would protect us from any outside forces that would attempt to destroy us.  We now are witnessing that we were asleep at the wheel. 

We have allowed our schools to be taken over by radical Marxist and communist propaganda that has been brainwashing our students for over 50 years.  We are witnessing 1st hand the destruction of our country through preaching hate, racism and white supremacy that has been part of the curriculum being taught to our children during this time period. 

History has shown us how this is accomplished when in 1917 people overthrew the Russian monarchy of Czar Nicholas II to establish a Democratic Republic that in turn was overthrown a few months later by the Bolsheviks led by Lenin and his followers in Russia that gave us about 75 years of communist suppression of the masses not only in Russia but Eastern Europe as well as the slaughter of millions under Stalin.  We have seen the same in China led by Mao, Castro in Cuba and Hugo Chavez in 1992 in Venezuela and continues today under Nicolas Maduro.  These governments maintain their powerful grip on their governments, the military, police and rule the people with an iron grip.

We are seeing today the Communist Democratic Party using their enforcers, BLM and Antifa, that have been given free reign in democratic controlled cities and states to wreak havoc on their communities.  We read about similar actions in Germany in the 1930's under Hitler who used his youth army, better known as the brown shirts, to wreak havoc throughout Germany especially against the Jews initially and then anyone who spoke out against the Hitler administration.  Seems like we are seeing something similar where this government is conducting investigations into former Trump administration officials by using the FBI, DOJ, CIA and other intelligence agencies as well as social media sites that block any and all information that they deem offensive to the Biden administration.  If you speak out you will be called a racist and if black, an Uncle Tom.  The creed of the Biden administration and the news media is to attack you if your views differ from this administration and the Communist Democratic Party.  By the way, the CIA is supposedly prohibited from conducting internal investigations that are left to the FBI.  So, one corrupt agency to another.

We also have the idiot (AOC) and her Marxist followers pushing the Green New Deal based on the false assumption that the world as we know it will end in 10 years even though this great deal will not be fully effective for another 20 years minimum.  Of course we all know we have trouble predicting the weather a week out and we have a former barista, with her world and scientific knowledge telling us otherwise.  Yet, true science tells us that the temperature may rise 0.5% to 1% in the next 100 years.  We also know that as technology gets better in less than 100 years any pollution would be minimal if at all.   In the 1970’s we were told global cooling was coming and in the 1990’s, that great scientific mind, Al Gore, was telling us that NYC would be under water in 10 years and most homes on the coast would be destroyed by rising ocean waters.  This idiot and her followers want us to believe that the hurricanes and tornadoes we see or hear about every year are the result of climate change.  Those of us with a brain know these events have been happening for thousands of years, but they must push anything they can think of as real to get their program approved.  However, it is not really about climate change, but the government controlling every aspect of your life.  Again, any volcano that erupts spills more crap into the air than we do as a country.  

Congress passed HR-1 in the House and if it ever passes in the Senate, the government and the Communist Democratic Party will control all aspects of our lives, our constitution will be a thing of the past and only candidates approved by the government will be nominated and elected.  In other words, the government will dictate who can be elected and cannot.  Sounds a lot like China, Cuba and Venezuela today.  But, if you do not mind being a slave of the government, this will be acceptable to you.

We all must speak out and against this destruction of our constitutional rights, our country and the implementation of having us become a socialist/Marxist country where all rights will come from the government and not our constitution.  Speak out now or you will forever be silenced and maybe be sent to re-education camps.  Sit down, shut up and be silent or you will disappear. 

It could also be time for the Red states to tell Washington to take it and stick where the sun does not shine, we are leaving this corruption. 


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