Friday, March 5, 2021


The terrible offensive, racist Dr. Seuss books have been banned from sale on EBay as well as other businesses.  Why we have waited so many years to ban these books is beyond my comprehension.  While we are at it, we should be banning the Bible as this has many sections of violence contain in this book.  In addition to pushing religion that I am sure the Cancel Culture also finds offensive. 

What is interesting is Hitler’s book Mein Kampf is still for sale as well as other books by radical authors.  So, instead of burning books as they did in Germany in the 30’s, we find this is not necessary since all we have to do is get Cancel Culture involved and Viola!, the dastardly deed is done.  With Cancel Culture, give them an inch and they will take a yard.  If they are not stopped and if businesses do not get a backbone our country will be lost.  We are supposed to have freedom of speech and many books where we may not like the topic have been permitted to be published and left to the buying public to decide if any book is worth reading. 

We are now being told by the cancel culture that they will decide what we can read, what we can view on TV or listen to on the radio. In addition to trying to ban any information on our Founding Fathers as they were all racist.  Cancel Culture is now in charge and we must bow down to whatever they decide is right.   Or should I say what is left, since the word right will eventually be stricken from speech.



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