Sunday, November 29, 2020

The presidential and Georgia senate race

For those of us that still have a functional brain after listening to rhetoric over the presidential race we have better understand what is happening and what will happen if Biden is finally declared the winner.  We know, it is impossible for a candidate that campaigned mostly from his basement or had maybe 10 people at his rallies to receive more votes than anyone else in a presidential election over President Trump that held rallies that had 10,000 to over 40,000 at his rallies.  In his nearly 4 years as president, Trump gave us a growing economy, lowest unemployment ever and lowest unemployment ever for blacks and Hispanics.  In addition, using his experience as a business person was able to use warp speed to have the pharmaceuticals produce a vaccine against the Covid-19 in record time and will be available within two weeks or less. 

Yet, if you listen to the Biden people, they want to claim all the coronavirus deaths on Trump.   Yet Trump was the one that stopped flights from China and Europe over the objection of Biden and his fellow socialist. Since the socialist knew that Biden would not have a chance to defeat Trump, they also knew that their plan would get him elected.  That plan was mailed in ballots that would not be verified by the millions in many states and so far they have been successful.  When members of the opposite party are removed from participating and/or witnessing ballot counting, this sends up a red flag, especially when the opposition has been removed from the room and miraculously millions of ballots appear.  In addition the Dominion software used to count ballots in many states, we find can be hacked and changes could be made from any country in the world.  Sidney Powell is alleging that some of these countries were China, Iran and Venezuela to name a few and has filed a lawsuit to that effect. 

Now the Georgia senate race is another place where we are seeing corruption already.  Stacy Adams, the 2108 governor candidate who still believes she won just like Hillary claims she has over 850,000 mail in ballots in her possession over 40 days before the election.  These socialist democrats want to win the two senate seats so they will have complete control over government and eventually all of us.  They have already told us what they intend to do.  Stuff the Supreme Court with radical judges, eliminate the Electoral College and use the court to destroy your rights under our constitution.  Something Obama stated around 2005-6.  At that time, he did not like the fact that our constitution rights come from God and not government.  You will have to search for that recording. 

The Biden administration will be the 3rd term of Obama.  That is why he never moved out of Washington DC.  He is moving to do what he could not complete during his two terms and that lives up to what he claimed in 2008, to Fundamentally Transform the United States of America.  This would have been completed with a Hillary presidency, but Trump upset that idea.  Now, to succeed, we had an election where we knew there was no way that Biden would win this election unless there was some corruption in voting.  That we are seeing every day since the election, and why the socialist democrats did their best to stop the nomination of Amy Barrett to the Supreme Court.  They knew months ago what they were planning for this election and did not want the Supreme Court to decide the election.  They knew with Justice Roberts they would have a 4 to 4 vote and no decision would be made.  But now they know there would be a 5-4 vote on the corruption that seems to grow every day. 

But with a victory in the Georgia senate race where they would gain control of all three branches of government, we will see the destruction of our constitution, and how presidential elections are decided.  With no Electoral College, it would be the popular vote.  That means approximately 10 states with the most population would decide all presidential elections and the other 40 states will not matter.  Those states are as follows:



July 2019 Estimate

Percent of Total














New York




















North Carolina








It could even be less than 10 states.  So, if you live in one of the 40 other states, enjoy electing you democratic senator and house member when you see that your voice is meaningless thanks to his party.   Something to really think about.  If you live in one of those 40 states with a democratic senator, then your senator is going to stick it up your butt and our country will be destroyed.  Why so many immigrants have flocked to this country of over 200 years is because of the freedoms we have enjoyed under our constitution that will be destroyed by the democrats gaining control of the senate.    It is interesting that the Georgia senate runoff election will decide whether we live or die as a Constitutional Republic and just become a blip on history. 

Our Founding Fathers believe they were guided by God that produced what we have today and to keep it, we will need God to intervene in this fraudulent election.  As a country we have been turning our back on God and this could be the end result.  Let us pray and hope it is not.



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