Friday, July 31, 2020

Mail in ballots

Why is this dangerous?  What happened to me would explain the danger of this, aside from the bundling of ballots, which is exactly what the socialist democrats want and are hoping to do.   

In December of 2019, I mailed out Christmas Cards, but one card was returned to me this past June 2020 due to an incorrect address.  The address should have been 42 and instead the label showed 4 and I did not see this error.  But, with the recent reports on the USPS delaying delivering some mail, I think this can explain how ballots can get lost in the system.  Imagine if the next president is sworn into office on January 20th, 2021 and sometime in March, thousands of ballots are found that were not delivered and the ballots indicate the other candidate actually won the election, what happens then?   Aside from the fraud that mail in ballots can create, this is even a bigger deal if election results are overturned after a president is sworn in. 

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