Thursday, December 19, 2019

Impeachment is in

So, impeachment passes and yet, Pelosi is hesitant on sending the impeachment to the Senate.  She is concerned that the process in the Senate will not be a fair process.  With a statement like that it makes one wonder where was Pelosi during the congressional hearings where due process was not allowed and Adam Schiff and the other jerk, Nadler would not allow the republicans to call their witnesses and permit the president’s attorney to be present to rebut the phony allegations.  This whole process was a sham and to think one of the impeachment charges is that Trump is conspiring to win the 2020 election while the other is obstruction of congress by fighting congressional subpoenas.  None of which comes under the constitution, but with the socialist democrats, it is the constitution be dammed and government should dictate what you can and cannot do. 

One may expect to see the impeachment charges being sent to the Senate in the summer during the presidential campaigns on the hope they can swing voters away from Trump which only goes to show this entire process was politically motivated to have a silent coup of the presidency.  If they were successful, then they would go after Vice-President Pence with the allegation he was also involved.  The swamp wanted to remove the obstruction to their takeover of our country and put control in their hands and not the voters.  Hopefully the voters will see through this scam and realize their constitutional rights will be destroyed by these socialist if they ever regain control. 

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