Thursday, June 13, 2019

The Socialist Democrats and their presidential run

We have Bernie Sanders, Elisabeth Warren, the leading outspoken socialist among the candidates running that have been advocating free education, free medical, universal income among other freebees.  However, they must raise taxes on the rich and corporations that made their money through a capitalism system.  Why is that?  Because under socialism the only people that make any money are those that are running the country.  Just look at Venezuela and Cuba today as the perfect examples on the workings of socialism.  The heads of government live the good life while the rest of the country suffers.  Socialism takes, and takes until there is no more to take.  Socialism has never worked and never will.  If the voters in this country that support socialism took a few minutes to actually reflect on the failures of socialism compared to the success of capitalism they would not support any of these candidates.  But, they are democrats and cannot think for themselves and must have the lying news media and the lying democrats in Congress to decide for them. Which is perfect for a socialist society where government does the only thinking.

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