Monday, April 22, 2019

Who are the Judas Iscariot’s in the Republican Party?

We know that the Republican Party has a number of never Trumpers and they as well as the socialist Democratic Party would like to see President Trump removed from office by any means possible.  For now we know some of these Judas’s are Paul Ryan who is insanely jealous that Trump got elected and he could not even get out of the batter’s box as Vice-President Nominee. The late John McCain was definitely part of the Judas’s group as he again was jealous that such a person as Trump could ever get elected.  Then we have the complete loser Jeff Flake who realized that he could not even get elected dog catcher in Arizona after just one term.  Then there was former Senator Bob Corker from Tennessee who suffered from Trump Derangement Syndrome.  The newly elected Senator from Utah, Mitt Romney, who requested that President Trump campaign for his election in 2018 has shown his true colors over the past 6 months as another jealous individual who could not win election to the White House.  Mitt Romney won his first debate against President Obama and then went to sleep the rest of the campaign and he wonders why he lost and Trump won.  The voters in Utah should reexamine the candidate they elected who is showing his true colors and will not support Trump on just about all important issues.  Of course, we cannot forget the great Senator from Alaska, Lisa Murkowski, who finds a problem supporting Trump and just about any conservative.  She is more in line with the socialist Democratic Party on her views.  Of course she is joined by the other great Senator from Maine, Susan Collins, who thinks along the same lines. 

These are just a few of the great supporters that the Trump administration have to look forward to when important legislation is introduced.  Although the republicans have 53 senators, President Trump will encounter difficulty in obtaining legislation that is good for our country.  President Trump has exposed the corruption in our government from the Obama administration, FBI, DOJ, CIA, State Department and other intelligence agencies that attempted and are still attempting to overthrow our duly elected government through a silent coup.  Something you thought would only happen in a 3rd world country, although that would be more violent.  Even the Mueller report that has debunked all evidence of collusion and obstruction, will not deter these socialist democrats in the House from holding hearings on just about any allegation that passes through their tiny brain.  These jerks were elected to produce legislation for the good of the country, yet they do not and will not address the important issues of the day such as illegal immigration crisis or China, North Korea and Russia issues.  Of course the Russia issues would show that Hillary Clinton and the DNC together with former so called British spy Christopher Steele produced a dossier together with Russian input to destroy the Trump campaign and/or his presidency. 

However, we can be assured that Attorney General William Barr, who is conducting an investigation on how all these false allegations began, will produce the results that the Mueller team failed to do.  Intentionally failing, is commonly called malfeasance.  But, since Mueller surrounded himself with all Hillary supporters and he still could not come up with any information to support the false allegations, only shows how phony this whole investigation was.   But the socialist democrats will not be deterred as they will continue to pursue any and all means possible to impeach President Trump.  This too will fail as the information of who really colluded with Russia and who knowingly pushed this false allegation will surface and the socialist will find themselves losing again in 2020.

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