Sunday, July 1, 2018

The Democratic Socialist Party

With the election of a socialist in Queens N.Y. last week only has cemented what I and others have been saying for the past few years that the Democratic Party is not the party of JFK, but becoming more of the party of Stalin.   Socialism or progressivism is just a fancy name for communism.  Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, the socialist elected in NYC is an avowed socialist and believes in free housing, education, a job for everyone in government, free medical and anything else she can think of.  However, she is clueless on how this can actually be accomplished.  Taxing the rich to pay for all the freebees will not work and has never worked, so raising taxes will be the answer.  The one question she and her ilk cannot answer is where has socialism, communism and Marxism been successful?  This has been tired in many countries and has failed everywhere.  All this does is create a powerful government that dictates to the people what they can and cannot do.  In essence, government control over the people.  We are seeing today what our government was attempting with the ongoing investigating by Congress on how the FBI, DOJ, CIA and intelligence agencies were and still are attempting to remove President Trump from office.  They tried during the campaign to smear him and after the election are attempting to get him removed.  President Trump wanted to drain the swamp and we are witnessing first hand who is and what the swamp does.   They were slowly taking control of our government and dictating who can and cannot be president.  And we thought this only happened in 3rd world countries.  This is why you see the democrats and some republicans want to have Trump removed.  President Trump has exposed who they are and what these unelected bureaucrats have been doing for the past 50 plus years.  They are being exposed and we must TAKE OUR COUNTRY BACK from these anti-Americans and anti-constitution bureaucrats. 

The red wave must be victorious this November and then keep on exposing these government corrupt officials whose only objective is to control the people thru the use of government agencies against the people.  This is a violation of their oath of office (as if they really cared) to defend our country against all enemies, both foreign and domestic.  However, they are the domestic enemy, not the American people.  It is also interesting that the democrats are using maximum efforts not to see this exposed.  Socialist do not want exposed their efforts to control government and the people.  As I have said, the democrats are socialist, communist and Marxist today.  Do not be misled by their rhetoric that they care about our constitution.  They only care about control.  Control over you and the government.  As I have said many times, George Orwell’s book 1984, published in 1949 had it correct.  Just about 70 years too early. 

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