Friday, May 18, 2018

Clapper admits spying on Trump campaign

Clapper admitted spying on Trump campaign when the FBI planted a spy within the Trump campaign because it was good to make sure no foreign power was involved in our campaigns.  However, we know that the DNC and Hillary campaign paid for a phony dossier against the Trump campaign that included a British spy and Russians.  However, no effort was made to plant a spy in the Hillary campaign. 

This entire effort on the part of the Obama administration using the DOJ, FBI, State Department, DNI and CIA were deeply involved in an attempt to destroy Trump and his campaign.  And we only thought we would see something like this in a 3rd world country.  When a government does their best to foil, interfere with or destroy an opposition campaign our entire constitution is in danger.  What we are hearing and witnessing is the swamp or some call the deep state continuing to perform a silent coup of a duly elected president by voters. 

Although this is a 99% democratic operation, you can bet some never Trump republicans are silently involved.  I think we now know what former presidential nominee meant when he wanted to “Fundamentally Transform the United States of America”.   He wanted to destroy our constitution and keep only one party in power.  We now see this is clearly coming into focus. 

Remember this come the November election.  Unless of course you don’t give a rats ass about our country.

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