Monday, April 30, 2018

The murder of Alfie Evans

In England last year it was Charlie Gard and today in England it is Alfie Evans.  Both were put to death by denying life support simply because they were a burden on the state medical system and the state had decided their life was not worth saving.  This is the basic foundation of Marxist philosophy, the individual human being is the property of the state.  This is the hidden purpose of government controlled healthcare.  When you become a financial burden on government healthcare, care will be denied.   Remember it was President Obama who stated while ACA was being debated that rather than be a burden on the healthcare system, you should go home and take a pill. 

This was the ideology of Margaret Sanger, founder of Planned Parenthood, who believed in eugenics, by eliminating those who were a burden on society whether young, old or black.  One of the reasons you see many Planned Parenthood facilities in low income areas.  This same ideology was the impetus for Hitler’s Aryan race and the holocaust.

Our country was founded on Judeo/Christian principles and yet today we are witnessing a move away from God and government becoming our new God.  In Europe we see an increase in secularism and a decline in moral guidelines as they move away from Judeo-Christian teachings.  In the United States we see this same movement where any reference to God and the Ten Commandments is being removed form schools and government institutions.  Remove God and evil takes God’s place.

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