Wednesday, January 10, 2018

DACA, President Trump and the Democrats

It has become increasingly obvious that the democrats are more interested in illegals and getting them to vote then they are in the citizens of this country and passing a budget. 

They have threatened to close down the government if President Trump does not address DACA and make all these illegals, legal.  Citizens do not concern them, simply because they are only interested in getting these so called “dreamers” to register democrat.  It is not about what is good for our country, but what is beneficial to the Democratic Party. 

We might add all of a sudden they are concerned about our $20 Trillion deficit, but had no problem with former President Obama adding $10 Trillion to our deficit.  Naturally, if Trump was a democrat, the deficit could rise Trillions more without a squeak from democrats. 

For those with no brain, democrats would rather tax and spend your money then create an environment where you can have more money in your pocket to spend as you would like.  Democrats know better how to spend your money and would like more of your money to buy more votes.

November 2018 is the time to send these democrats packing and any republicans that support their thinking.  The swamp must be drained.

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