Monday, March 6, 2017

Special Prosecutor-Why not for Hillary?

So now the democrats are demanding a special prosecutor for AG Sessions because he did not report contact with a Russian Representative at his confirmation hearing.  Of course, AG Sessions did answer the question correctly that was asked by comedian Al Franken concerning a phony dossier on President Trump.  All one has to do is listen to the question and answer.  But, since the democrats have yet to accept the loss in the election, they are losing their minds and will attempt anything, including fake news to get an anti-Trump message out.  It is interesting that the democrats never demanded a special prosecutor for the Benghazi debacle or President Obama whispering to Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev that he would have more flexibility after the election.  What did he mean?  Or Hillary Clinton selling access to a uranium mind to a Canadian who then sold an interest to a Russian.  Or even better, the Clinton Criminal Foundation or the Clinton Initiative.  Oh, wait, Hillary is a democrat and we all know, democrats would never engage in criminal conduct.   Or maybe we should have a special prosecutor for the Democratic Party, the anarchist and George Soros assorted radical groups he funds.  For all the phony accusations, the democrats are the obstructionist, doing their best to discredit good citizens who do not need the positions they have been asked to fill.  It is not the money these cabinet appointees need, but they are dedicated to preventing the demise of our country under the previous socialist regime.

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