Sunday, September 28, 2014

The Obama Administration/Terrorism plus

So, President Obama refuses to say Islamic Terrorism, Radical Islamic Terrorism or any name that would associate the Islam religion with terrorist acts.  We also know that there are approximately 1.2 billion Muslims in the world and maybe 5 to 10% may be radical.  Of course that would be 50 to 100 million plus.  But, we cannot talk about that. 

We know we had workplace violence at Ft. Hood, the underwear bomber was just an individual that had a problem with Haines underwear, the shooting of a military recruiter was just an isolated incident and we can rest assured the beheading in Oklahoma is just a person with mental health issues. 

Imagine the reaction of President Obama if the Pope stood out on his balcony in Rome and directed all Catholics to kill all non-Catholics.  There would be world-wide outrage and this president would speak out quickly calling such conduct outrageous.  Of course, when Rev. Wright spoke out, when Imam’s speak out on spreading terrorism, we hear nothing. 

President Obama claims Islam is a religion of peace, but actions speak louder than words.  Unless, the other one billion peaceful Muslims speak out, we will not see any reduction or rejecting of Islamic terrorism. 

When the police encountered the professor in Cambridge Massachusetts, President Obama claimed the police acted stupidly.  When Treyvon Martin was killed, President Obama spoke and claiming if he had a son, it would be like Treyvon Martin.  Of course, Treyvon had a small criminal record.  When Michael Brown was shot and killed in Ferguson Missouri, President Obama spoke out and sent AG Eric Holder and his minions out to Ferguson and even sent representatives to the funeral. 

Meanwhile, Sgt. Tahmooressi rots in a jail in Mexico and our great leader has not even mentioned his name in any press conference or in conversations with the Mexican president.  But, when Michael Sam the former Missouri football player came out of the closet, he called him.  When basketball player Jason Collins came out, he called him.  Sgt.  Tahmooressi rots and nothing.  Rest assured, if Sgt. Tahmooressi was a black, gay Muslim (an oxymoron to say the least) he would have been on the phone almost immediately.  Unless of course, he did not read it in the newspapers. 

So, we are finally bombing the Islamic Terrorist in Iraq and now Syria, but this president has indicated there would be no boots on the ground.   Our enemies must like us when our president tells them exactly what we will not do.  No need for espionage to obtain information.  Imagine if FDR did this.

However, we can breathe easier since this weekend, Homeland Security announced they are on the job.  Of course their job is to investigate Climate Change.  Our borders are porous, we are clueless on who is entering this country, the border patrol is at least 60 miles from the border on patrol, but we have DHS on climate change. Go figure.  If the clueless voters continue to elect these wackos, we will cease to exist as a country that our Founders gave us. 

For those that do not know history of this country, our Founding Fathers risk their lives and fortunes to give us our constitution and freedoms and it seems we are slowly allowing this freedom to go away without a squawk.  If the voters do not wake up in the elections of 2014 and 2016 and get rid of these losers, enjoy your totalitarian state.  In case you do not know what that is, it is when government controls every aspect of your life.  The government tells you where to live, what to eat, wear, where to work, what to drive, etc.  In fact, isn’t the Obama administration doing that already?

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