Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Freedom lost

Our Founding Fathers knew that the freedoms we see in our constitution were important based on the lack of freedoms that encountered under King George III.  The first ten amendments commonly known as the Bill of Rights were approved based on the actions of England against the colonies.  We fought a war against the strongest military in the world at that time to get the freedoms given to us in our constitution and our Founders provided a means in our constitution to make necessary changes as they knew may be necessary as our country grew.  To make changes to our constitution requires under Article V, that to add an amendment to our constitution, requires approval by ¾’s of the legislatures of all the states. In this case, 38 states.  However, we are witnessing, courts, Congress, Presidential Administrations slowly restricting our constitutional rights through legislation, executive decrees or judicial action that is actually in violation of the constitution.  We must let our representatives know that we do not like the direction our country is going with these restrictions and if they do not like the way the constitution is worded, then use the amendment process to make changes.  Our representatives know that is almost an impossibility and would prefer their present methods and hope the citizenry remains clueless.  Congress can propose and pass amendments with 2/3rd of both houses, but final approval must come from the states. Thank God our Founders wrote this into the constitution or we would not recognize our country today, even though our elected officials are still doing their best to pull the wool over our eyes.  Know the constitution and the Federalist papers.  Knowledge is our best weapon

So where is our constitutional religious rights as guaranteed under our constitution?  We have an Atheist group going around this country arguing that they need freedom from religion.  Well, our constitution gives us freedom of religion, not freedom from religion.  So, if you object to praying in a restaurant, at a sporting event, bibles in government institutions or prayer and or religious services in our military, just walk away.  No one is forcing you to listen, watch or participate in such events.  Those participating are practicing their constitution rights of Freedom of Religion.  In that great new school program called Common Core, the history books spend 23 pages on Islam and 3 pages on Christianity and Judaism.  But who is surprised by that? We are witnessing attempts by various groups, including this administration, to remove religion from our lives.  That is to say, Christianity and Judaism, not Islam.    Come to think about it, how come the liberal news media are not reporting on Christians and Jews beheading or burying alive all those Muslims.  Oh, I forgot, Christian and Jews are actually civilize and believe in freedom of religion regardless of where you live.  In fact, I do not remember the Pope telling all Catholics and other Christians to go out and kill non-Christians.  Maybe I missed that news day.    
Wake up America or you will lose your freedoms.  Power corrupts and we see that every day with our elected officials.  They are only concerned about their positions until election time and then they beg for us to reelect them.  When both parties put forth their choice on who they want us to vote for the cycle to continue.  That is why you should vote in primaries to those independent, libertarian or Tea Party candidates that are not the darling of either political party.  When that happens things will change.  Of course if we could get 38 states to vote for a constitution amendment for term limits of 4 terms for House members and 2 terms for Senate members, we will be able to rid ourselves of these sorry answers to what we call a representative Republic. 

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